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If you're wondering if I walked in and busted my cheating fiance and my best friend in bed together, the answer is no. I can't even remember walking back outside, but here I am on Amelia's front lawn, bathed in the light from the living room window. My spine is no longer tingly, but my eyes still hurt from the tears I'm unable to cry. My fists are clenched and my nails bite into my palms. Identify your emotions,  my grade school peer counseling training floods back. Okay. I'm angry, oh boy, am I angry. And hurt, definitely. There's also sadness and....longing? It's hard to identify the emotions jumbled together in my stomach and lumped in my throat.

I walk away from Amelia's house, walk past my house and walk down the cobbled street. My heart is heavy. The wind picks up and blows a few stray leaves in front of me. My hair wraps around my face, and I struggle to push it back. Behind me, a streetlight flickers out. 

I shudder and turn, but there's nothing there.

Another flickers once, twice, then goes dark.

Run, a voice in my head whispers, and I obey. I run until the muscles in my legs beg for mercy. I can feel the darkness creep up on me from behind, but I don't turn to look until I reach the hedges of my cemetery.

There is nothing behind me, and the streetlights are all functional. I sigh, relieved, and turn to go into the cemetery. Final resting place my ass. I got ninety-nine problems and most of them stem from being undead.

"Eden?" The voice startles me, and I catch my scream before it leaves my vocal cords; it comes out as a yelp in the dark. "Eden Barrow? Aren't you...dead?"

Make that a hundred.

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