Together Again

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His hands are big, but they don't hurt me. I can't speak, because even though I don't need air to breathe, I do still need it to talk. After a few minutes, I think he realizes he's not hurting me, and he stops. "What are you?"

I suck in a lungful of air. "I could ask you the same thing," I spit back. 

"But you're..."

"Dead?" I laugh. "Trust me, Callum, I know. So are you."

"No I'm not. I can't be. I was buried alive or some shit."

"Callum, take a look around. Do you really believe that?" He does look around, but doesn't say anything. "We're both dead, but not."

"So we're zombies?" He chokes the word out as if it's an insult. I bristle at the word, too.

"Do you want brains?" He shakes his head. "Then I highly doubt we're zombies. At least not by the movie depiction of them." He looks defeated, and for a moment I feel bad for the guy. He was a douche, but at least I had someone undead to talk to now. Maybe he would even help me.

"Then what are we?"

"Back," I say. It's the only answer I can come up with.

"How long have you been back?"

The sympathy for him dissipates. "Long enough. How was Amelia?"

If he could have turned red he would have. I see the panic rise in his eyes."I- It wasn't like that, Eden."

My ha is harsh and flat. "Then what was it like, Callum. Pray tell."

He's silent, and I can almost hear the gears turn in his mind as he struggles to come up with something believable.  Finally he says, "She was just there for me after you..." 

He trails off and stares into the clouds, so I finish his sentence. "Died?" He nods. 

"Why did you do it, Eden? We had the perfect life. Why did you..." He can't say the words.

"Callum, I didn't kill myself." It's the only thing I'm completely sure of. Well, that, and that he's only asking me to deflect from my question. I'm not dumb.

"But that's what everyone said happened. It was the talk of the town."

"Well they're wrong." I sniff in exasperation.


"No buts, Callum. I would never kill myself." I spin and walk out of the cemetery, leaving the man I once had a future with standing by his grave.

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