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"You did what? Cal hisses in my ear from behind me, low enough so only I can hear.

"I had a sandwich," I say again. "Oh, and a deep fried pumpkin roll."

"I heard you the first time. Do you not realize what could happen? No, you don't because we don't know what could happen." Cal stuggles to maintain a neutral expression in the middle of the crowd that's gathered to watch a country duo play on the stage.

"Oh, come off it, Cal. That was hours ago. I'm fine." I roll my eyes at him, but he can't see from my position, nestled on the blanket between his outstretched legs.

"You're gonna get us exposed. Or worse," he groans as the people around us cheer. I pretend not to notice him and focus on the music.

"Hey, guys!" the voice behind me makes me jump. It's just Leslie, with a man in tow. "I was hoping you'd still be here. This is Michael. Mike, this is my friend, Leslie and her fiance, Cal."

"Hi." Mike extends his hand and shakes mine, then Cal's.

Leslie and Mike unfold a blanket and settle in next to us. I hear Cal groan in frustration behind me, as if I'd planned this. I shoot him a look.

Leslie leans over to our blanket. "Did Sawyer make you try the barbecue?" she asks Cal, practically shouting over the music.

"No," he replies stiffly. "I've had an upset stomach all day."

"Bummer," she grimaces. "You're missing out." She turns her attention to me. "How long did you say you'd be in town?"

"I'm not sure," I tell her.

"Well if you're in town next week, the library is putting on a ghost walk."

I feel Cal go rigid; I cam imagine the scowl plastered on his face, even if I can't see it. "What's a ghost walk?" I ask, ignoring Cal.

Leslie lights up. "It's like a haunted history tour of the city," she explains. "I'm one of the guides. We walk people through the town and tell everyone about the ghost sightings and any other paranormal goings on." She wiggles her fingers at me, and I laugh.

"That sounds fun!"

"There's no such thing as ghosts," Cal scoffs, as if our very existence wouldn't fall in the category of "paranormal goings on."

Leslie's smile falters, but then returns. The transition is so quick, it's barely noticable. I nudge Cal's thigh with my elbow, hard.

"We do them every Friday and Saturday from mid-September to Halloween. They're a hit. You should definitely come!"

"I'd love to!" I exclaim at the same moment the band ends their set. My voice is too loud in the sudden quiet. Cal remains silent. "If we're still in town, that is," I add, at a normal volume.

"You can add me on Facebook, if you want. I can send you my schedule and we can figure out when you can come."

"Oh, I-uh. I don't really do Facebook. Or social media." Real smooth, Eden.

Leslie doesn't notice my hesitation, or if she does, she doesn't comment. "No biggie. Just give me your number and I'll text you."

"My phone actually quit working the other day. I'm going to have to get another." The lie is smoother this time, but it still feels awkward coming off my tongue.

"I know a great repair guy," she says without missing a beat. "Swing by the library in the morning and I'll give you his card."

"Thanks," I tell her, feeling like a terrible excuse of a person for lying to such a nice person.

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