So Much For Chamomile

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I can hear Amelia rustling around in my room. I'm tempted to step out of my hiding place and confront her, but I don't. I decide to stay put and see what she's up to later.

After what seems like hours, she finally leaves my room. I hear her walk out of the bedroom and down the hall, down the stairs, and finally I hear the soft click of the front door. No car door opens or closes; she must've walked. Which made sense. Amelia did trespass, after all. Her car in the drive would be suspicious.

I wait a few more minutes before I open the bathroom door. My room is still the same; only I would notice the subtle hint of her perfume that lingers. God I hate Love Spell.

Nothing is out of place as far as I can tell, but she was here for a reason. I walk over to my desk, where her scent is the strongest. The window overlooks the backyard, but everything looks normal. I open the top drawer. Nothing but some pens and a note from Callum. Okay, so what did she want?

I follow her scent to my dresser. I need clothes to take back with me anyway. I open mu underwear drawer and sift through it in an attempt to take what would be less conspicuous, just in case my mother does decide to go through my room. Something rattles under a pair of red lace panties. I move them out of the way and gasp out loud when my hand closes on a prescription bottle. 

It's a bottle of Ambien, prescribed to Callum on July 6. 

And it definitely wasn't there before. 

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