Part 6: Ghost Mug

Start from the beginning

"Of course I know what hot chocolate is. Just because I didn't need to eat or consume liquids doesn't mean I never did," Romeo told her.

"Oh, okay," Jesse replied. The corners of her mouth turned upwards and she seemed to be trying not to laugh. "So what flavor would you like? I have white chocolate, classic hot chocolate, chocolate mint, and caramel," Jesse listed. Romeo couldn't decide... all of the options were mouthwatering.

"Surprise me," Romeo answered. Jesse nodded, grabbed two white chocolate hot cocoa packets from a double chest, and lifted two white mugs out of the double chest. She walked to the refrigerator, opened it, took a gallon of milk out of the fridge, filled both mugs with milk, opened the microwave, placed the mugs inside, closed the microwave, and set the microwave timer to one minute. Jesse placed the hot chocolate packets on the counter as the mugs began to heat up in the microwave. A moment later, the microwave ceased its heating of the mugs and began to make a beeping noise. Jesse took the mugs out of the microwave, shut the microwave, dumped a packet of white chocolate hot cocoa in each mug, picked up a spoon on the counter, and mixed the liquid in the mugs with the spoon. She then placed the spoon in the sink, set both mugs in the center of the kitchen table, and plopped onto one of the chairs. Romeo lowered himself into the chair across from her and dragged one of the mugs closer to where he was seated. Jesse took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Oh my gosh, this is so good. You want me to grab some macarons? I doubt our hunger is going to be satisfied by just hot chocolate," Jesse quipped. Romeo stared at his hot chocolate, his eyelids lowered. He didn't respond or even look her in the eye. "You okay?" Jesse said in a concerned tone. Romeo forced himself to make eye contact with Jesse.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Romeo asked. Jesse's already worried expression now contained pity. "I-I trapped your hand in a stupid gauntlet, I forced you to participate in my challenges, I threw a hissy fit and sent you to a prison just because you didn't agree with me and you didn't adore me enough, I impersonated you, and- and I tried to kill you! Several times!" Romeo continued, gesturing wildly. There were a few seconds of silence.

"You're not a bad person. Look, I'm not saying what you did was okay, but you felt terrible after doing it. You're trying so hard to make up for your crimes. I feel like I can open up to you. You really care about your friends. And you're very... you," Jesse responded.

"Jesse... thank you for everything," Romeo told her. She smiled at him warmly.

"Anytime. It's what friends do. So... yes or no to the macarons?" Jesse questioned.

"Definitely yes!" Romeo answered. Jesse stood up, walked to a double chest, took a package containing six macarons out of it, plopped onto her chair, and placed the macarons on the table. She took three macarons out of the package and laid them in front of her. Romeo did the same and took a bite out of one of his macarons, which was bright yellow with white filling. Its lemon flavor was mostly sweet with a bit of pleasant tartness. He then took a sip of his hot chocolate, which was rich and creamy. Jesse bit into a light blue macaron.

"I can't wait to see Olivia tomorrow. I haven't seen her in forever!" Jesse told him. Romeo raised an eyebrow.

"You just saw her yesterday," Romeo pointed out. Jesse absentmindedly traced a circle on the table.

"It just sort of feels like forever. Back when we lived together, I saw her every single day. I don't like how my friends and I drifted apart--" Jesse sighed.

"--and it seems like you never get to see them anymore. It really hurts you and you feel sort of lonely," Romeo finished. Jesse replied with a dejected nod. She seemed to understand the feeling.

"And the thing you want most in the world is for--" Jesse continued.

"--everything to go back to the way it was," Romeo and Jesse said in unison. Their eyes widened in shock and a second later they smiled at each other.

"Huh. I guess we're more alike than we thought," Jesse remarked.

"Yeah. Just wish we were friends sooner," Romeo told her. Jesse let out one of her clear, warm laughs.

"Me too," Jesse agreed. She picked up her mug, which slipped from her fingers. It was about to fall to the table, but at the last moment Romeo caught it with his telekinesis. The mug was now floating, bobbing up and down ever so slightly. "It kinda looks like it's a ghost mug," Jesse stated. Romeo snickered at her little comment and set the mug carefully on the table.

After the two of them finished their macarons and hot chocolate, Jesse placed their mugs in the sink. She was about to pick up the macaron package when Romeo blocked her with his arm. "You took care of the mugs. I've got the macaron package," Romeo told her. He tried to move the empty package with his mind, but all it did was tremble for a few moments and then anticlimactically stop moving altogether. This caused Jesse to burst into a fit of giggles, bending down face first onto the table in an attempt to smother her laughter. After a while she stopped laughing and turned her head to Romeo, who rolled his eyes at her. He redirected his attention to the package and managed to use his telekinesis to send it sailing into the trash bin.

"Show off," Jesse muttered. Romeo grinned at her and she soon mirrored him. "I think it's getting late. We should go to bed," Jesse said.

"Yeah, you're right. Where am I going to sleep?" Romeo asked. Jesse knitted her eyebrows together in thought.

"I was thinking one of the non-personalized guest bedrooms," Jesse replied.

"Oh. I can't be in the same room as you?" Romeo questioned with a small amount of disappointment in his voice.

"Uh... you could, if you wanted to," Jesse said. Romeo smiled and nodded vigorously. Jesse struggled to hold back a laugh, probably because Romeo was nodding so energetically his head might fall off. "Okay, that's settled," Jesse stated. 

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