Chapter 1

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Like a myth I couldn't understand her.

She was far from perfect. She was complicated. Damaged.

Her pain. Her past. Her guilt... I wanted to heal it all.

With just a mere touch, I could feel her possessing me.

Through ways and means,

Through heart and soul,

... She had me.


One could say being in a new place, a new town or a new city could give you the chance to start a new life but no matter how I try to understand that statement, it still doesn't feel right. Moving could be fun but then again, it could also be sad, heartbroken. It hurts badly to depart from friends, families— people you saw yourself growing up with but we all have to go by the saying 'life must go on' despite how difficult it may seem.  

I woke up to the smell of mum's delicious waffles. Groaning loudly, I rolled over and eventually opened my eyes. Though I had taken the blanket off me and trailed it down to the floor, I still craved to fall asleep again—if only it was that easy. Stretching my arms out, I got down from the bed when I stepped on something, looking down, it was a pile of old books. I must have forgotten to tidy it up after dad's talk last night which I tried my very best to act as if I was listening but now at this moment, I can't even remember half of what he told me.

'You will be missed' I recall my friends telling me that the last couple of days we had together. Picking up a book from my old school, it ended up being tossed to the bed by me. Ruffling my hair, I only just noticed my hair plastered to my forehead, getting in my eyes. A buffet of wind blow in and I felt goose bumps all over me. Turning towards the window, I immediately drag my eyes away, cursing at myself— the sunlight wasn't exactly friendly. Trying my best to avoid the bright sun, I began to pick my way towards the bathroom.

Seeing as today was my first day at the new school, I pick up my black trouser and blue shirt from my neatly packed clothes. Finally done and ready to go downstairs, I have one last glance at my room. Picking up my bag which stood by the side of the door, I place it over my right shoulder. For some reason, I always felt more comfortable when it was only on one shoulder.

Locking my room door, I slide the keys into my pocket before turning towards the stairs which was only four feet away from my door. In this new house, there were only three rooms upstairs; two already occupied bed rooms and a storage room. Also three rooms downstairs; there is the living room, the dining and the guest room (which was only to be used by guest). This house was a little small compared to the one we had back in Chicago but going with dad's words, he had to pick any house to settle in for the mean time but as we slowly get use to the surrounding, we would get a new one, he assured us.

Finally down the stairs, there were lots of chattering, bickering and loud laughter. With every step, I hear my stomach growl. Now in the dining room, I see my dad, already seated, patiently sipping on his coffee. My gaze shifts to my mum who just walked out of the kitchen, a broad smile plastered on her face. Dropping the plates on the table, she gives me a warm hug but my reactions weren't good enough, I didn't have it in me to smile back.

"Smile Nick, smile." she adjusted my hair, finger combing it but I groan, stepping away from her—she was messing it up. I quietly remove my bag from my shoulders and sat it down at the other chair beside me.

I take out a seat "I don't need to." I shrug, sitting down. Just looking at the table made my stomach growl much louder but I had a mission to appear uninterested at the stuffs they did these days. "Besides what's there to smile about?" I added, "Us being in this city is stressing me out." I muttered.

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