Final Note

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We've come to the end, my beautiful readers!

I never expected when I first started writing this novel that is would be so well received. I've had plans from the beginning for these characters to continue on to other adventures. I have plans for four books in The Bound By Fate Series.

What are some things you can expect in book two: The Visited?

For sure you can expect to learn more about Max as his pov will be shared in conjugation with Alice. You can look forward to the active help from Raven, Susie, and their covens. Definitely more of our hunters, exorcists, and of course, Fritz. And we'll be meeting some new characters.

Thank you for all the love and support you've shown me and The Promised. I've fallen in love with these characters and I hope you have too.

If you have been a silent reader so far, please consider leaving me a comment here with your overall thoughts. They can be anything. Even ways I can improve it when I go back to revise. I appreciate it all!

Love you all so very much!


P.S. Please continue on to check out awards The Promised has won as well as the extensive playlist!

The PromisedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora