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On my way back to my unit, Avery is waiting for me.

"What was that about, Al? Have you said something to him? Are you mad at me?" He looks hurt, like something I said turned Max against him.

"Avery, we've never discussed you. The minute he heard I was talking to you he told me not to, but he won't give me a clear reason I shouldn't. I think he's just being overprotective." Inside, I'm not sure that's the case. It's possible Avery is hiding something, but so am I.

"I don't get it. Do you want me to leave you alone?" He looks as if I say yes, his heart will shatter into a million pieces.

"No, I don't want that. I need some space though. I'll see you tomorrow night. Okay?"

"Okay," he replies, but the pained expression on his face remains.

I wrap my arms around his neck to reassure him I still like and care about him. He holds me tightly, and the rapid beating of his heart drums against my chest.

I slowly pull away. "I'll see you, okay? Nine o'clock, right?"

"Yeah." There's still sadness in his eyes and something else... Worry?

I return to my apartment and let out a deep sigh.

I spend my night thinking about Avery and Max. I realize Max has a reason he feels the way he does, but until he can provide me with concrete evidence of what he claims, I just can't push Avery away.

It isn't fair to him and it isn't fair to me. Avery has only proven time and time again that he cares about me, and he has yet to give me any reason to distrust him. In my heart, he's the opposite of dangerous, he's someone I feel the safest with.

In the morning, I go to work and afterwards, home to get ready to hear Avery's band play. Trish is coming with me to Avery's gig tonight, and she almost had a heart attack at the fact I was even considering going to a club.

I haven't really spoken to Avery today except for when he sent me the address to the club, and I told him I would be there.

My outfit for the night is a black crop-top sweater and a red leather miniskirt with knee-high boots. I get a text from Trish that she's outside. It's 8:45, but the club is a short train ride away, and the train station is only two blocks away from my apartment.

I meet Trish outside. She's done up with heavy makeup, but I can't say much besides she looks stunning. I went with some heavy eyeliner, along with deep red lipstick, skipping the foundation and powder. Not to brag, but I don't really need it.

We get to the club. Avery's band is already on stage and Avery was right, the club is fairly empty. He had given our names to the bouncer, and a bar back shows us to a reserved table in a corner, away from the small crowd. We order drinks with a waitress and make small talk while we wait.

It's your typical medium-sized bar/club. There's a decent size stage, hardwood floors, tables, booths, and dim lighting. The bar spans most of one wall with a glass and neon display embedded in it for all the different bottles of alcohol.

Avery and his band are impressive. They sound professional, and even Trish comments they should have a record deal. Our drinks arrive and as we sip them, Avery makes eye contact with me and smiles.

A few guys come up to us and flirt. They're fairly attractive, and Trish being an incorrigible flirt, keeps their attention at our table. A girl with a purple pixie haircut makes her way to our table and shoves through the guys.

"Hi! You must be Alice. Avery has told us so much about you. I'm Tyler's girlfriend, the bassists. My name's Susie." She extends her hand to me.

"Hi! Yes, Susie. I have you to thank for the lovely basket." Taking her hand in mine, I give it a shake.

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