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"What happened to her?" I hear Misty ask.

"Long story, just give her some space," Leo replies.

I groan and slowly open one eye.

"Al!" Leo's hand strokes my hair.

"What happened?" I moan, my head feels like it's been pressed between two heavy rocks.

"Bitch! You passed out and scared the living shit out of me! That's what happened!"

"Leo! Fuck! Stop yelling!" I yell.

Misty takes the yelling as her cue to go back up front and tend the shop.

"Your dream, Al." Leo frowns.

"I know, Leo. It wasn't a dream. They offered my brother and me up to the devil," I say.

"I thought you didn't believe in demons or the devil?" He cocks one of his eyebrows at me and looks at me sideways.

"I don't know what I believe in anymore," I reply, looking down at my feet.

"We need to find out more about this prophecy." Leo walks over to the desk with the computer and sits down; he types.

"All right, come out demon hunters."

"Hm, did you say something?" I ask.

"Not out loud," he replies.

Fuck. My block is slipping again. I get up and walk over to the water cooler. Grabbing a cup of water, I allow the cool liquid to soothe my raging insides. I head over to Leo and look over his shoulder as he types.

He's private messaging someone that goes by the screen name, Demonslasher. The icon near his name is a symbol that looks like a horned beast impaled on both sides of the head with two daggers.

"What the hell is that?" I ask pointing at the symbol.

"It appears to be this demon hunting group's symbol. From what I've gathered, the guy I'm talking to is pretty high up the ranks. I'm trying to get more information about the prophecy, but he just keeps trying to get more information about you and your brother."

"What?" I shriek.

"Don't worry. I'm not giving him any information on you guys. I'm not stupid. Wait, he's typing..."

Leo and I both wait impatiently for the message to come through. Finally, it appears.

It says, The prophecy foretells of two vessels that will be offered to Satan. Both of these individuals, likely siblings, will be used as gateways to unleash the riders of the apocalypse and bring about the end of the world. These vessels will have significant psychic abilities and will probably be lighting rods for paranormal activity, both malicious and benign. Please, if you have even a suspicion of who these two might be, you must tell me. Their lives, our lives, depend on us finding them before they're found by the wrong people.

His words send a chill up my spine. Leo types back, Who are these 'wrong' people and how do I know for sure you aren't one of them?

You can't know for sure, but the group that wants them, the ones that want to fulfill this prophecy, go by the name of The Sons of the Apocalypse. They're a satanic cult that has operated in the shadows for years. They were once few, but their numbers are growing. They're aggressively looking for these two individuals and when they find them, they will sacrifice them, hoping to bring forth the first of the riders.

"Sacrifice!" I scream.

"Al, calm down!" Leo huffs

"Calm down? That's easy for you to say! You don't have an insane satanic cult searching for you, intending to murder you!" I pace the floor.

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