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"Do you think we made a fool of ourselves?" Wayo asks Rome while twirling on his pole.

"Anything we do is funny to them so it doesn't really matter." Rome gets off from his pole and grabs his water bottle on the floor to drink. "Imma take my leave now. Bye." He looks to the teacher and waves.

Wayo climbs down. "Bye." He sits down and grabs his phone.

[1] new message

He clicks on it.

→ Tew

Wayo, I need your help. Meet me outside our dorm.

He furrowed his eyebrows and immediately got up. "Teach, gotta go. Thanks for the lesson!" He runs out of the class.


He looks at himself in the mirror and feels empty. He touches his face softly and feels happy, his cheeks are smooth and his lips are plump.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his body, but he just feels like there is something missing.

He grabs a blood red lipstick and puts it on. The color compliments his skin and make his hair color look more vibrant.

He chuckles softly and puckers his lips, smooching the mirror, leaving a kiss mark.

At this moment, he felt so free and daring. He felt alive.

But it was only for a while, until reality came crashing down and he started to cry.

He wasn't supposed to want to be feminine. He was supposed to be masculine and like girls. His family would never approve and nobody would ever love him.

He prepared himself for this and most of the time he was okay, but there were those dark days where he can't be strong anymore.

Today was that day. He knew, ever since that day. He just knew.

He got up and cleaned his face. He ran to the garden of the Arts department and stared at the angel fountain while sitting underneath the tree.


Was what the moment could be described as.

"Why am I like this? I'm so stupid." He starts sobbing. "It's so stupid... I should just accept it and move on."

"Don't." A voice said.

He looked at the person. "W-What?"

"I said, don't." The man came closer. "If it's causing you so much pain to accept whatever it is that is making you unhappy then don't. You need to take care of yourself because the sad reality of life is that, you only live once, so you have to make the most of it. By living life how you want to live it. It's so rare these days to be happy. So make the best of it every day."

Tew felt his heart skip a beat.

At that moment, you could say... he fell in love.


Sorry if it's a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I'm trying to hurry up the plot since there is still so much to do XD 

See you next time! Which is actually pretty soon *hint hint*

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