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Beam stayed in the cafeteria after the whole fiasco that happened. He usually helps the custodians clean up, since being part of the student council also means caring for the staff and communicating with them.

The rest of his friends were busy with other things to do, so they couldn't help him out.

He didn't mind since he knew they were also doing student council work. In the Arts Dep, the job of the student council isn't half assed like in other schools, they take it very seriously. To get in, all of the gang had to study and become more advanced than their grade level, 4 years advanced into their studies. This was so they could be able to mentor all grades, regardless of their own.

"Thanks you for your work." Auntie said.

Beam smiled. "No need to thank me, it's always a pleasure to help and listen to new gossip."

All the ladies giggled and waved at him. He waved back while grabbing his things and leaving.

He walked outside and was going back to his dorm until he heard a whimper. His head whipped to the direction of the sound and walked towards it.

A few feet away he saw three bulky guys looking underneath a trailer and throwing pebbles there. Beam tilted his head in confusion, then understanding hit him once he heard a hiss. He ran towards them, throwing his backpack at one of the guys.

"Stop it!" He pushed the other. "What are you guys doing? It's just a defenseless creature!"

"Well, that defenseless creature took my lunch and went into hiding."

"So? You have money and can literally buy food at any time. This little one has to fend for himself and go through many things just to have a nice and decent meal." He fumed.

"Does it look like I care?" The guy took a step forward, but Beam stood his ground. "Move or get hurt."

Beam clenched and unclenched his fists. He usually doesn't like fighting, but if he has to fight, he will fight.

As he was mentally preparing himself and loosening his body while glaring at the guy, someone stepped in from the side of his vision.

"What are you guys doing here?" A deep voice said.

Beam furrowed his eyebrows but continued to stare at the guys, not putting his guard down.

The guys were facing the new guy and tensed. "U-Um... We were..."

"Don't want to hear it."


"Get going." The new guy growled, which sent shivers to Beam's spine, but not in a scared way.

They immediately started running away to the Sports side of the campus.

Beam relaxed then dived under the trailer and saw that the small creature, a black cat with many scabs and some cuts, cornered and looking at Beam with large and anxious eyes.

He almost started crying for the little one, but he knew he had to be strong for them. He looked into the other's eyes and tried to relax his body and emotions, then reached out slowly, wrapping his hand around the cat's small waist, they yowled but didn't turn violent which was progress.

Beam crawled out of the trailer and put the shivering body of the cat against his chest.

"I know... I know you were scared. And I'm so sorry humans are so cruel." His voice cracked, but he closed his eyes to recollect his emotions before opening them and staring into the cat's eyes again. It's like the cat knew what he felt and was telling him it's okay, but what now?

Someone clears their throat which made Beam look up. It was Forth.

"So, is that what caught the attention of my mates?" He asked.

Beam only nodded. Yea, he was petty like that.

"Um..." Forth scratched the back of his neck. "I apologize for them... They didn't mean it. They were just playing around."

Beam saw red and almost jumped the guy. "Just playing?" He raised his voice. "Sure, violent throwing pebbles, is just playing. Scaring an animal much much smaller than you, IS JUST PLAYING. Well, I'm sorry my views are completely different than that of yours and your teammates, so different that I had to intervene and make sure they didn't KILL AN INNOCENT CAT JUST FOR SOME DAMN FOOD THAT THEY COULD GET AT ANY MOMENT." He spit the words with venom.

Forth flinched and realized the mistake he had committed. He mentally hit himself. 'Great, I basically just said animal abuse is okay.'

He stepped forward to calm the smaller guy and softened his voice. "Look, that came out wrong. I didn't mean that." He sighed and looked genuinely sorry. "I sounded like a complete asshole."

Beam nodded. "It's guys like your friends why we can never get along. I get it, 'not everyone in the sports dep is like that', yea, but most of you are and that needs to change if you ever want to make peace, but we aren't even worth the effort are we?"

'Woah woah, wait, this is completely going south,' Forth thought as he took a step back and Beam a step forward.

"So, get your problem back at your comfy campus in check and leave as soon as possible so we don't have to see more of each other. I'm tired of you guys taking advantage of our hospitality and disrespecting us in our own territory." Beam spat then turned and walked away.

Forth stood there, looking at Beam's retreating back. He could feel the hatred oozing from the smaller male.

'I should tell Kongpob and tell him I agree. I want to be on the cute guy's good side. Wait... Did I say cute?' 


Please Read:

Sorry if this chapter was short and sorry for the late update, I'm really busy and tired almost half of the time, while the other half is unmotivated, stressed, and sleep deprived. 

I'll do better in the future and try to be active in updating at least one chapter of each story every month. It may seem like a long time, but trust me, it isn't and the days will fly by. 

It's better than nothing. 

Now, please leave comments, I don't really care for likes, but I do for comments cause it makes me feel happy with the feedback I get, even if it's stupid, or if it's to critique my works, I'm always up for it. 

Okay, so Imma leave ya'll kittens alone and enjoy this chapter, I really suck at romance, so bare with me, I'll give you the juicy stuff later but it will have a long build up soooooo

Patience is virtue 


whatever the hell that means (literally doesn't know what virtue is)

Edit: I searched it up and it means "behavior showing high moral standards" wow, very powerful word :D

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