A New Era

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Crisp flames die down from their burning haze. The land around it scorched from its continuous blaze before finally being put out. That's the sight that Mikoto and Kushina returned to see. A home that is nothing more than ash and blood.

Although, two female Uchiha bodies laid in rest from an obvious assassination. Their eyes were missing and that caused them to be on guard. Someone had murdered them, presumably after they started the fire. Mikoto didn't care at the moment, as her thoughts go towards Avarice. And where he would be at this very moment.

Kushina, however, dragged her friend back to her generous home. Making the woman sleep in their guest room for the night. Without energy searching for a shinobi no less would be a hassle that could wait until the morning.

Nightmares haunted her throughout the night. Terrified thoughts of having lost the man kept her from a good night's sleep. Faintly calling out for her lover, and would hope he responds. Sleeping alone was hell, so much so, that she has Kushina sleep with her.

"I'll find you Avarice. I know you aren't dead..."


"Mikoto, dattebane! You have a visitor."

"Give me more time to sleep... Tell them if it is not important, then I can discuss it later."

"She said she's sleepy Avarice, so you'll have to come back when Mikoto is awake."

Onyx eyes shot open at that name. "Avi... If Kushina is joking then Lord Third have mercy on her poor soul." Running out of-of of the room in a long t-shirt with the uttermost speed, Mikoto goes for the front door.

Avi is right in front of her with a scorched hand, signifying her earlier thoughts about his battle. His clothes are burnt and littered in cuts from an experienced sword user. And dry blood taints the color of his hair and clothing. His grey eyes all but tired, yet they rage with determination. Something the Third always speaks about in his free time.

"Someone is up after all?" Scratchy voice jokes rhetorically as he walks inside the house.

Mikoto could not contain herself and jumps on her Avi with pure happiness. Smothering him with kisses as she thought of the unbearable. "You're... Alive." Stroking his face and staring into his cloudy eyes. "Don't scare me anymore. I thought you were dead."

"I am alive as you can see. Your husband has earned his title after all, as the Wicked-Eye Uchiha. He nearly killed me with his final attack, but I managed to get away albeit with a lot of injuries." Avarice explains his hard-fought battle with Fugaku and the large amount of stalling he had to do for them to succeed.

Kushina listens intently at his description of the battle they took place last night. She had hoped for Mikoto's sake that he came out alive and he did. He is becoming a close friend to her as well, even though the time frame is incredibly short.

"You could have been killed Avarice. Just, try to stay alive for our sake."

Interjecting herself into the conversation, "We told gramps about the Uchiha's plan and he is working on a solution at the moment. So, all we can do now is kick back and relax for the time being."

"So, you both succeeded in your task. Good. Now I can rest for the time being, as my wounds slowly heal with the medicine I've gotten from the general store."

"We are going to wrap that wound and place ointment on it. But, you take it easy or I'm going hurt you." Mikoto goes to the bathroom to retrieve medical wrapping and healing ointment.

Kushina is jealous slightly at the fact that Mikoto managed to get a man to please all her desires. While Minato is great he isn't sexually active and left her desiring more. And Avarice was looking to be a small treat she could try out. If only...

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