Rising Moon

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The situation within the Uchiha family has escaped immensely. A gap in their network has led to information regarding the uncovered affair. Fugaku was not pleased in the slightest. Letting Mikoto outside the compound was a mistake, a mistake that has caused more rowdiness among the clan.

Continuing on their Coup d'État would be hard without everyone's full help, provided with the fact that the village did not trust them. And often surveillance the clan's affairs with harmful intentions. At least, that's what the elders believe to be the main goal of the leaf.

Nonetheless, complacency will not be tolerated nor will any complaints. They will begin their uprising in three days. In three days, they will be the head of the hidden leaf.

"Time to bring you home, Mikoto." Clutching his fist at the sickening thought of a simple commoner touching his wife. While his prized eyes spin in anger, albeit with no remorse for his own actions. Everything he has done was for the good of his family.

No commoner would defile his wife, no matter the circumstances that have taken place. she was his and would always be his wife. Until the day she does die, or he departs from this world.

Unbeknownst, to the Uchiha clan head, Itachi was listening. Planning to return all the gained information back to the Third Hokage.


Avarice didn't think of how much time has passed since he had left the women alone. Mikoto needed more support than him, and he would let it happen openly. This Kushina is a ball of energy that is greatly opposite from Mikoto's calm nature.

It didn't matter much, although his mind is on the Uchiha. Fugaku, would not allow his wife to stay forever. And he had to be ready for a potential fight amongst him and the clan head. Chances aren't the greatest for him considering the obvious ocular prowess, but he would take those eyes if he must.

Keeping his eyes on any unknown charka signatures that may make an appearance.


"What are you going to do about Fugkau, Mikoto?" Kushina lays with her friend angry about the situation that she has been enduring.

"I can't do much... Even if I wanted too, no one would listen and would just sweep it under the rug. Regardless, Sasuke and Itachi should be fine as they're that man's pride and joy." Annoyed by the situation, and internally frightened about the uprising.

Masking her face to her usual passive smile, "Don't worry too much about it Kushina." Hoping to deceive her friend of the inner worries of a mother. Sasuke and Itachi are her babies no matter how much they have grown over the last couple of years.

Itachi is in the Anbu had less time to spend with Sasuke, but always managed to make time for her youngest. But, that wasn't enough for Fugaku. He wanted Sasuke to excel in everything that Itachi has done, even better until he was satisfied.

"Mikoto-dattebane!" Kushina shouts out bringing her back to the world of the living.

"Oh.. Kushina. What's wrong? Did you need something?" Breaking from the thoughts that have been haunting her lately.

"Your face tells me that there is something you are not telling me... What is it?" Kushina was no fool and that showed when she deduced Mikoto's true feelings.

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