Dawning Sun

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A/N: I just wanted to say thank you all for the reviews, as they really give me a passion to write the chapters for you all. So, without further ado, here is the Dawning Sun.

The last few days have been a roller coaster for the once Uchiha Matriarch. Passionate sex, being loved, standing up to Fugaku, and now home with her new lover. Dare say it, future husband if things work out well for the both of them. Yet, she wasn't completely happy with the new living arrangement.

Her children wouldn't be here as they once were. And that saddened her immensely, but she could not go back to that soulless compound. She would adapt, improvise, and overcome one day at a time. The ringing face pain reminded her of those brutal moments a testament to her cutting bond.

"You shouldn't be daydreaming with your mouth open Mikoto. A fly might take a visit," Avarice makes his appearance with a terrible joke.

"Hey.. Are we at your place?" She barely manages to speak out her bruises and wounds hindering significant amount of he

"Yeah. No one is going to harm you anymore. So, don't fret over the small things. I'll take care of anything you need or want for the meantime." Avarice caress her red checks lightly, gaining a crimson blush from his partner.

"You're a real Prince Charming, but how do I know you will not do what Fugaku did? Taint my mind with sweet lies, then lure me into your trap. Taking me as a wife and bearing children. Leaving me all alone in the same cycle, albeit with a different man and better sex." Her voice breaking into sadness and depression with tints of happiness every so often.

"I can't honestly admit that I love you at the moment, Mikoto. You're great at sex and very loving, but we will have to spend more time together before it just clicks, ya know?" Sitting beside the bed-ridden woman with a sad smile.

"Do you ever think you will love me..?" Clutching the bedsheets not knowing how to feel about the situation. If anything, she has ruined her life and is on the path of no return. 

"Give me time and I will love you," Placing a soft kiss on Mikoto's head.

She had nothing but time now. A husband that would be soon issuing divorce papers, keeping her kids from her, and any money she may have had is gone. "I'll wait for you then Avi. Just don't make me wait forever." Producing a tiny smile, as she attempts get out bed.

"I won't Mikoto," Cusping her hand and kissing it. "Now let the Doctor Avi take care of you for the morning, and we can go out for a walk around the village later. If you are up to it?" Avarice playfully asks trying to keep the woman in high spirits.

Rubbing her face, she caresses the bruises that mark her. "If you get a coat, so I can hide my face then I'll go." Mikoto wouldn't go out in public with visual scars, so the public could condemn her with vile words that eat away at her once cheating affair.

"I have coats here, but they're too big for you."

"New coat. Now." Edging the final word, Avarice shunshins from the room. Leaving Mikoto to her thoughts and an empty bed.

"Why did I have to be so needy... I had a family. Children that were distant, but I loved them. And all for this? A man that doesn't love me as of yet, but cares enough to try. A heavy toll for the lack of reward. It's too late to change the past, but the sun rises for another day. I wonder what Kushina will say about all this? It has been a long time since we hanged out like we used to."

Whistling a soft tune, Mikoto waits for her partner to return. Mind fantasying the what if scenarios and possibilities. While natural light floods the room.

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