Moving Foward

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The last few months for Konoha have been a whirlwind. The Uchiha Massacre, Orochimaru's defection, a war on the horizon, and minor inconveniences that plague the village currently. Lord Third has informed Mikoto that she can not see Sasuke or interact with him at all. This decision is impacted by Itachi's goal to help Sasuke grow and come to kill him.

Avarice and Mikoto have grown closer over the last few months, as she is pregnant with his daughter. They bought a home within the city for quick access to the hospital and Kushina. In which, their red-headed friend adores as she can visit often without having to worry about the visitation.

Sasuke has grown cold and distant opting to only focus on training to kill Itachi. Naruto was his only friend and rival, a last spark of happiness that he could depend on.

The village tried showering him in gifts and everything they could but he would only accept the bare minimum. Pity isn't his forte and he wouldn't accept it.

He never could find out who kept leaving gifts in his home. His favorite meal sometimes being left in the kitchen as well. It had a similar taste to his mother's, but she is dead. Nonetheless, he didn't ponder too much about the situation and kept living his life.

Itachi eventually found out that he had a little sister soon to be born. Sadly, he wouldn't be able to see her often while inside the criminal organization. After everything he has done, it would hypocritical of him to visit her and not Sasuke. Although, for two different reasons.

Time in the Akatsuki isn't too terrible with random missions to accumulate funds. But, he did miss spending time with his younger brother. However, he has a duty to perform for the sake of Konoha, Sasuke, and a new sister. And he will perform to the best of his abilities.

"Avi! Kushina! I want tomatoes!" Mikoto cries out in annoyance and desire. The baby is throwing her mood swings out of control, plus making her crave certain foods. Especially a few of the personal favorites she loves, like tomatoes. A desire that she has passed down to Sasuke.

"Kushina working as fast as she can Miko." Avarice rubs his girlfriend hands in an attempt to ease her rowdiness.

"GET. ME. TOMATOES!" Mikoto's sharnigan spins angrily at her boyfriend.

"Yes, dear." Avarice gulps knowing that look all too well. "Kushina do you have any tomatoes done?"

The red-headed woman passes him a plate of tomatoes. " Fresh tomatoes for our cranky Uchiha, dattebane." Kushina smiles and continues to fix up more dishes for her best -friend. It has been a while since she has been so excited about the the pregnancy, much less being a godmother.

"Here you go, Mikoto. A fresh plate of fried-tomatoes." Avarice sits the plate down within easy reach of his woman and comfy up the pillows that she is laying on.

"Thank you both for everything," Mikoto smiles. For once, she didn't have to worry about politics, clan matters, or anything stressful. Just relaxing and being supported by boyfriend and best-friend.

"You're welcome, Miko."

"It's no problem, dattebane."


Four months later, Saeki Ōtsutsuki is born. A little blossom of energy inheriting her mother's onyx eyes and father's white hair. She means everything to them and would one day learn of her older brothers.


A/n: The final chapter of An Uchiha Affair. Thank you all for reading and bearing the evolution of this story. I may write a sequel later on, but for now, this story is completed.

A/n: Creating An Uzumaki's Affair, if you're interested in reading.

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