Family Reunion

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True to form, there wasn't any lead up to Natasha's decision to leave the beach once she'd decided it was time to go. It was simply the case that she started to pack up her things one morning.

"So where're we headed, Tash?" Logan asked. "North or far north-east?"

"North," she said decisively. "I'd rather stay away from Russia. At least for the moment."

Logan nodded once at that, and didn't argue it one bit. "Then are you goin' by Cap or are you comin' with me?"

Natasha narrowed her eyes at that. "I thought they were the same option," she said slowly.

"We're in close contact again, but I'm not an Avenger," Logan pointed out. "Part of why I thought you might actually talk to me." He smirked at her. "Must have been a while since you read my files."

"I... had other things on my mind."

"Not a criticism, darlin'," Logan said. "I'd rather you met the family on your own speed anyhow."


Logan nodded slowly as he looked up at her. "Took me damn long enough."

Natasha smiled softly. "I'm sure it suits you."

"It's still new," Logan admitted. "And I'm not gonna push for you to go there unless you want to."

Natasha smirked. "Oh, I'm not quite ready for a family..." she teased.

"I know you're nowhere near ready for that if you're chasin' Stark," Logan chuckled.

"Nothing wrong with a little fun," she defended.

"Don't need to tell me. Just ... be careful. He gets wrapped up fast." He started to lead the way toward the jet. "So. Cap's then, eh?"

"Oh, no. You can't just mention your family and then expect me to go to Steve!" Natasha hit his arm. "I need to meet them!"

"Kind of an odd set up," Logan said as they loaded up. "We're stayin' at a school, of all places. With a telepath runnin' the place."

Natasha narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

"That's where my son wants to be," Logan replied as if it was the most obvious explanation in the world. "And we can use the soft landing once the little one gets here."

"Two?" Natasha's eyebrows were high. "You have two children of your own and I haven't met them?" She shoved him hard, though for as anchored as he was, he really didn't move. "Why didn't you find me sooner? And lead with that?"

"I've been on the run," Logan said. "They have too. Didn't know if you'd really care about that, super spy."

"My earliest memories of you were of you taking care of me. Of course I care about that."

"Then we'll head there first and you can meet 'em," Logan said, shifting the navigation so they could get there a little quicker.

"What's his name?" Natasha asked after a long silence; she seemed to be thinking about how to process everything she'd learned.

"Scott," Logan replied. "I adopted him a few years ago. Got him out of a bad situation, he hasn't wanted to go with someone else. So far."

"Why would he?" Natasha asked with a smile. "I didn't want to leave you either, if you remember."

Logan smirked to himself and nodded. "I do seem to remember that." He let out a sigh. "Don't know what we'd have done if you'd stayed."

"Carried on to win the war early in the worry that I would be hurt otherwise," she teased.

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