Home Sweet Institute

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Things in Westchester were really starting to fall into place. The little team of X-Men had grown to twice its original size by the time summer really hit, with Piotr and Illyana rounding out the team and bringing even more of a feeling of family to the place.

Logan was back to showing everyone who needed it how to defend themselves while K seemed to spend most of her time doing lord only knows what - though no one but Logan saw her come and go unless it was an established gathering time. Which for the most part wasn't too worrisome when Scott could easily factor in that she was digging for information on any of a dozen different concerns.

And when she wasn't digging around, she made it a point to tease Scott about Jean - especially since it was obvious that he liked her, to the point that it was hard to talk around her.

"Kiss her. Talking problem solved."

Scott shook his head at her, barely hiding his smirk behind his coffee. "I do kiss her, Mom," he muttered, turning a little redder.

"Then what's the problem? Just kiss her more."

"There's no problem," he grumbled.

"You're a blusher," K said over the rim of her cup. "Which is great because so is she."


"I'm in favor. If you two get married you'll both be so red you won't know what to do with each other. I can't imagine the idea of a honeymoon with you two."

"Let him go at his own pace," Logan said, pulling her a little closer to steal a kiss as Scott seemed to be trying to catch up to the shade of his glasses. "He'll do fine."

"I'm - I'm not even seventeen yet, Mom," Scott said, once more hiding behind his coffee cup.

"What's your point?" she asked looking perfectly confused.

"I'm not - we're not - I mean, we're not old enough for - stop that!" Scott spluttered.

At that, K simply started chuckling. "Okay, on the first count, you're old enough, you're just not legal. By the way. Totally different conditions. And secondly - good. You'd both probably die of embarrassment before you got anywhere fun."

Scott shook his head. "We're only old enough if you go by when you were growing up," he said, trying to deflect the teasing to get out of turning any redder.

"When I was growing up, my mother tried to have me married off by fifteen. So you're just ... a spinster by her standards."

"Yeah, but by that yardstick, now you're turning into your mother," Scott said with a satisfied sort of smirk.

"Ah, but you're wrong. I'm not pushing, I'm asking ... and smirking at the idea of you turning properly purple."

"You're going to kill me," Scott muttered, putting his mug down to run a hand over his face, which was still incredibly warm.

"Uh-uh. Not my job. That's Jean's job. And she'd die of loneliness without you."

"Wait, why is it her job to kill me?" Scott asked, turning her way. "What kind of relationship do you have with my dad?" he asked, pointing her way.

"One where he is happy, and by the way - does not blush at anything. At all. Ever."

"He's also not sixteen. Stop that."

She broke down laughing at that then popped to her feet to give him a kiss on the temple. "I'm just picking. You make it too easy not to." K refilled her coffee then took a moment to give Logan a proper kiss. "I'll see you boys later."

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