A Little Help?

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When the little group got to the Avenger's headquarters, and when Hank Pym heard what exactly they were there for, it was easy for anyone to watch his temper rise, though he shoved it down to gently show the girls to just outside the scanning chamber before he got it working as Janet came around to first look more than a little upset at why they'd shown up - and then to get very confused when K was not only going along with everyone's requests still, but not picking on anyone the whole time.

"Long story," Logan said when he saw Jan's inquisitive look. "But the girls are both gonna need a once-over."

Jan bit her lip as she watched the little group. "Jean too?" she asked. "I thought this was a your-family situation..."

"Jean too," Logan repeated. "It's an obsessed-with-Scott thing, so if Scott's interested in her - so's Essex."

"Ugh." Jan rolled her eyes. "I didn't even know he was out of jail. When do I zap him into next Friday?"

"Probably have to spot him first," Logan pointed out, which was when Jan turned his way and gave him a more thorough once-over.

"Why are you .... You've got a lot of blood on you, did you know that?" Jan asked.

Logan shrugged as the first scans started up. "Mighta got carried away with a little fight."

"Define little," Jan said, her arms crossed over her chest.

"It was Sabretooth," Kurt added helpfully.

Jan let out a noise that said exactly what she thought of that guy. "Of course it was. Because why would you guys do just one massive disaster at a time?"

"I like to multitask," Logan deadpanned. "It's my mutant power."

Jan shook her head at that. "Well, we have a shower you can use, you know."

"Maybe once K's done with all this noise," Logan said. "But not before."

Jan nodded, knowing how bad things could be. And to be honest, she was a little worried about how ... woozy K was acting. She had hoped to get K involved in some wedding planning, actually... Not the planning but... well. She liked K, and sometimes, it was nice to have some girlfriends that would be excited for her.

She made her way into the medical wing just as Hank - with that same very quiet anger clearly building behind his expression - was setting up the girls for some scans.

"Find somethin' that bad?" Logan asked.

"We're just starting," Hank said, though with an audience, he tried to put on a less frustrated expression and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well, if it's any consolation, she won't argue with anything this time," Logan said.

Hank shook his head at that and then looked at Jan. "Oh, well, in that case, I suppose if I ask her to name the baby 'Henry' if it's a boy..." he said, just to get a little giggle out of Jan.

"No, sorry," K said quietly. "That's not happening this time around. Everything said 'girl'."

Hank raised an eyebrow. "I know about the ultrasound, but the technology is still new-"

"No, not that test," K said, waving a hand, before she started to very vaguely describe a different and far more invasive test that had happened outside of the Avenger's reach - with Essex. "He even said he wasn't surprised that Logan would have a girl just to spite him." She gave Hank a very serious look and let her voice drop to a more professional and less airy kind of tone. "But that's not scientifically feasible."

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