Space Pirates

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The flight to the idiotic empire's territory was long, and for most of it, while K and Logan tucked away with Jean and a rotation of other X-men, Scott was trying to get a better feel of his father with Alex. Both boys were clearly out of their comfort zone, but they were putting in the effort all the same. But with Corsair and his crew insisting that they didn't need any help flying - and didn't seem interested at all in even teaching him something, Scott found himself more or less bored as he tried to juggle all the conflicting information around him. He'd honestly been hoping to get to fly with his dad - or at least talk to him about flying, tell him he had his license... something.

So when Corsair put the word out to everyone that they needed to prep for the fight, Scott couldn't help but perk up a little bit. Until, of course, his team came out - in their full uniforms, ready to fight.

He couldn't help but smirk when he saw Logan rubbing the back of his gloves - which were shredded already. Kurt was anxiously playing with the hilt of his swords and talking quietly to Logan when Scott's view of his team was partially blocked as Corsair tipped his head to the side to watch the little group of X-ladies walk past.

Scott frowned hard. "Dad." When Corsair was still watching the girls, he reached out to actually grab his shoulder to get his attention. "My team's ready."

"Yeah, I can see that," he said with a little chuckle.

Scott felt his jaw clench for just a moment before he tried to settle out again. "You know everyone on the team is my age or just a little older."

"What's your point, Scott?" Corsair asked, turning toward him with a little frown. "Are you afraid they can't keep up?"

"No," Scott said. "My team can handle anything you throw at them. That's not-" He let out a breath. "That's not what I was trying to say." He tipped his head toward his teammates. "I think you'll be impressed, Dad. I'm really proud of them."

"I'm sure they're something," Corsair said before he put a hand on Scott's shoulder. "Come on. Let me show you how to deal with the Shi'ar."

While Scott was talking, Logan was listening to several of the guys' nerves as they started to get wound up, anticipating the fight ahead, though he almost smirked when he looked across the way to where K was surrounded by the ladies. All of them were following her lead in doing something to keep their hair out of their faces. And the moment K was done braiding her hair, she started to do as she always did - one hand at her waist to smooth out imaginary wrinkles - but she seemed to catch herself doing it and clenched her hands instead, shaking them out as she rolled her head toward Jean and Storm.

Naturally, Scott had managed to see that much and he was sure something was going on there. But there was so much going on as it was that he didn't even know how to begin to approach anything like a conversation with his parents. Or, well. His adopted ones. Or ... his father for that matter.

Yeah, that was confusing.

The ship shuddered all of a sudden, and Corsair broke into a grin. "Sounds like we've made contact," he said, already sprinting down a hall - with no word to anyone else on what the plan was.

"Contact," as it turned out, was what Corsair meant by essentially harpooning a Shi'ar craft so that the crew could board it. The Shi'ar were already firing back, but the Starjammers had the aerospace fight handled - it was the actual fight on the Shi'ar ship that the X-Men would be taking the brunt of.

Corsair was grinning as they more or less reeled the Shi'ar in. "Scout ship," he said. "Not the biggest catch, but there'll be more after them, I'm sure."

"Do we even know why they're here?" Scott asked with a frown. "'Scout ship' sounds like a precursor to something bigger."

"They're always scouting for something or another," Corsair replied with a shrug. "Doubt it's anything specific."

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