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The fishing trip, as it turned out, was exactly what all of them needed. Not only was it a great way for Alex to finally start to get comfortable around his big brother's new family but it also gave Logan and K the much-needed chance to unwind, since they hadn't really gotten that opportunity with everything that had happened. Especially considering they were both just waiting to see how their luck was going to fall.

But even so, when it was finally time for the four of them to head back to Westchester - and Scott really did want to get back to the team after a couple weeks out - all four of them were more relaxed.

Right up until Logan caught K's scent.

"Sweetheart, we have to go back sooner or later," K said, obviously not up to speed with him on whatever it was that had him upset.

"Rather stay here," Logan replied quietly. "Simpler."

"And Scott would wither away and die without his sweetheart," K replied, though when she got up to walk past him, he took a hold of her arm and pulled her over to simply hang on tight - and double-check his suspicions. He buried his nose at the crook of her neck and very gently kissed her there as he gave her another squeeze. Which was when he found he was right and there was definitely a marked and sudden change in her scent. But all it really did was put him more on edge, since that brought up another angle of when he should say something. Not only to her - but to Scott.

He didn't have time to even weigh it out though before the moment was interrupted as the two Summers boys came out of the room they'd shared on this little getaway - bags packed and ready to go.

"So," Alex said, "we're not going back to any more carnivorous, like, volcanoes or anything, right?"

"Logan would rather just stay here, live with the wolves," K said, making a point to readjust her arms as she wrapped him up a little more comfortably for a moment, since he didn't want to let her go.

"Come on, Dad," Scott said with a smirk. "I thought you didn't want me or Captain Rogers to win that bet."

But at that, Logan let out a breath that sounded as if he wasn't amused at all. "Right."

"I think he needs a sister. Don't you think he needs a sister?" Alex said, getting Scott to shove him in the shoulder.

"Ah, there's the family resemblance," K said dryly. "Couple of dorks."

"No way. I'm way cooler," Alex said.

"No you're not," Logan and K said at the same time.

Scott smirked. "Told you."

"Hey, not fair. Get my parents in here and it'll be better balanced," Alex said, shaking his head.

"You go ahead and think that," K said as she turned in Logan's arms to step away, even if he didn't seem exactly ready to let go. "We can come back when the snow hits, love."

Logan let out a breath and didn't look like he really wanted to go anywhere still, but finally, he reluctantly got moving.

The boys didn't really pay much attention to Logan - if only because they both thought it was more a case of Logan just wanting to have a longer vacation hidden away with K in the woods. It's not like they hadn't been right back to their usual affectionate selves. Besides, they had plenty to occupy their time with as it was, still teasing each other and falling back into their old brotherly patterns as if no time had passed at all.

The ride back was filled with enough sweet gestures from Logan to K to get them to pay attention, though. Little things, like the fact that he held her hand for much of it - and the few times he let go for one reason or another, he was always careful to reverently kiss the back of her hand before he let go. Small gestures that had Scott smirking to himself as he watched them out of the corner of his eye.

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