Split Family

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"This is not how I wanted to leave him," K said under her breath as she and Logan found their way to the freeway.

"Me either," he agreed. "But they'd have come back with twice as many next time if we stay."

"I know," she said in a breath. "I just hope he realizes that this is more than just dragging them away from him."

"He's a smart cookie," Logan said with a smirk before he pulled her over for a kiss. "He'll figure it out if he hasn't already."

The car was right where Coulson had promised it would be, and as soon as the two of them had climbed in, K took off her coat and started to change. "So ... Nebraska then?"

"That's what I'm thinkin'," Logan agreed. "Might as well tackle that mess while we're at it."

It didn't take them more than a few minutes to get on the road, already plotting out where they would need to stop to remove the trackers and tracers that they knew Coulson would put on though ...

"We should hang onto 'em if we can turn 'em off," Logan said when they did stop to trash them.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," K agreed - then cracked open the first bug to remove the energy source. "Just in case."

"Your boyfriend is trying to kill himself, and he's going to take us all with him."

Jean looked up to see Warren looking a bit sore as he sat down across from her - not that she could entirely blame him. Even though they hadn't heard a peep from the department except for chatter far from the institute, Scott seemed determined to stay on high alert. And not everyone else was happy about the pace.

"Well, what are you coming to me for?" Jean shot back, scrunching up her nose at him.

"Pity," Warren said without missing a beat, though he grinned when she gave him a dry look for it. "Seriously, Jean. The guy is so wound up, Bobby is developing a complex just by standing too close to him."


"And maybe you'd be doing us all a favor if you just... you know... unwind him."

Jean blinked at Warren for a long moment, turning steadily redder, before she shoved him telekinetically halfway across the room. "You're not funny."

Warren was grinning even as he held up his hands. "I'm not even kidding, though. Admit it - you're tired of the nonstop 'red alert' training too."

"He's got good reason-"

"Yeah, I wasn't asking about that part of it," Warren said, shaking his head. "We all get it. Any one of us came back those shades of black and blue and we'd be total headcases too. But come on, Jean. Have a heart. You'd be doing all of us a favor." By the time he said that last part, he was back to grinning, and Jean let out a noise of pure frustration - especially because she knew he wasn't even the only one on the team thinking along those lines.

"It's not my job-"

"Team morale, Jean," Warren teased. "Team morale."

Jean narrowed her eyes at Warren before she picked him up and flung him again - this time a little harder. And when he kept grinning, she put him to sleep.

"Why are you so touchy, Marvel Girl?" Bobby asked - looking perfectly innocent.

"I will absolutely do the same thing to you," Jean warned.

"What did I do?" Bobby asked, both hands up near his head. "I was just ... asking what he did. You don't have to be so cranky about it." He scrunched his nose up at her and started to walk past. "Always the same with you guys. Everyone knows what's going on but me," Bobby grumbled.

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