Situation Report

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Jean had tried to find something to do to keep herself busy while Logan and K were gone, but that didn't seem to be working. There just... wasn't anything that could keep her attention more than the mental outreach she was doing listening and waiting for the familiar mental signature that meant Scott and his family were back.

So when they were finally close enough that she could brush Scott's mind, the only thing she could manage to feel was relief at first - just knowing that he was back.

But then, when she actually paid attention to what she heard when she brushed Scott's mind and looked beyond the simple fact that she could hear him...

"What do you know?"

Jean spun around to see that Storm was standing there with her arms crossed, and she let her shoulders drop. She hadn't even realized that she had stopped pacing until Storm said something - but now she realized that anyone watching her knew the moment she knew anything, because she had stopped pacing to instead close her eyes and reach out.

"They found him," she said, first and foremost, because that was the most important part anyway. The rest of it - the hurt she could sense radiating off of him, the anger and the intense shame... the rest of it they could deal with.

Storm looked relieved - as did a few of their teammates."Well, that's good, da?" Piotr pointed out. "You look upset still."

"He's hurt," Jean said simply, though her tone said it was more than just a passing thing, and that was enough for Hank to get to his feet and make himself busy. Even if he was still only studying medicine, he could do something, at least.

"Then you should be at the hangar," Kurt decided - and a moment later, Jean could smell the strong scent of sulfur as Kurt helpfully teleported her straight to where she needed to be. Not that she was complaining - even with the smell.

"Thank you, Kurt."

"Think nothing of it," Kurt said with a wave to show that it truly was nothing for him, really. "Be sure to pass on the team's warm wishes to our fearless leader, ja?"

Jean nodded, though she couldn't return the smile as much as she'd like, and once Kurt had disappeared in a swirl of blue, she was right back to pacing again.

It seemed like far too long before the jet landed, and Jean nearly bit her lip to the point of bleeding when she saw that things clearly hadn't gone that well - not if the fact that Logan looked a little woozy was any indication, and not if Steve's grim expression was anything to go by.

Still, Jean was almost holding her breath until Scott came out with his mom looking pale and tired and black and blue - but she didn't really care about most of that, almost blasting right past K to more or less envelop Scott in a hug.

It was a mark of how exhausted Scott was that the hug pushed him back a step, though he caught her all the same and returned the hug gently. "Hi, Jean."

"Hi yourself," she said, taking a step back to look him over and biting her lip before she looked K's way. "I'm taking him to our medical setup," she said - it wasn't really a question, not when she knew he was not okay.

"Good. I'll meet you there in a few," K said. "Both of us will."

Good, because I want to know what happened, and how to fix it, she projected to K, one arm around Scott's waist.

Just be ready to share, K replied, surprising Jean at the fact that she was sharing. I have an inkling, but I want the full picture. The guy who did it paid already, but I have to warn you. This isn't going to be a quick fix.

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