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Logan had gotten up at his usual time, made the coffee and taken his run - all in time to come back to the coffee finished up brewing - yet no one else was awake. K had been having trouble sleeping the further she got into the pregnancy, so Logan was giving her space once she did fall asleep, which meant he had nothing to do to work out his nerves but run, really.

He was pretty well cooled down by the time he poured himself a mug of coffee and took a seat with the morning paper, quietly leaning back and taking a moment to breathe ... when who walked into the kitchen... rumpled and messy, hair pointing up in eight different opposing directions and looking as if he was floating on a cloud.

Logan let his paper slip as Scott poured himself a mug, but he didn't say a word, instead wearing the most smug expression that was humanly possible.

"Shut up," Scott said as he sat down, though he did take a moment, red-faced, to try to get his hair flatter.

"I didn't say anything," Logan said, still watching him with that same smug, yet pleased expression.

"You... are definitely saying it without saying it. So just... shut up," Scott said, though he couldn't stop grinning, so it didn't quite make the impact he'd been hoping for.

Logan was smirking more crookedly at that and raised one eyebrow for a moment before he picked up his mug and went back to the paper. All was quiet for a long moment, and Scott sat there trying to get his face under control, though that went totally out the window when Jean walked in and Logan didn't even try to hide that same smug expression. And instead, after a few minutes of both teenagers trying and failing to act casual, the silence in the kitchen was broken by a low "About damned time."

Scott's head came up fast at that. "Dad."

"What?" Logan asked - getting his poker face in check fast.

"Just... don't say anything," Scott said, red-faced, though Jean was similarly pink, even if she came to sit with Scott and kissed his cheek.

"Scotty - your face is sayin' all of it," Logan pointed out before he gave him another raised eyebrow look over the top of his newspaper.

"Good things, I hope," Jean said, which turned the very tips of Scott's ears bright red.

"Yeah. Definitely," Scott said, which got an even more smug look from Logan - and a kiss from Jean.

"Hey Scotty," Logan said, smirking behind his paper. "Don't suppose you'd want to bring your mom her coffee, would you?"

Scott blinked at Logan for a moment, knowing that it was a trap - because K would catch on if he did, but he couldn't not bring his pregnant mom her morning coffee... "Yeah," he said at last. "Sure."

"Great," Logan said, putting the paper down and getting to his feet. "I'll start up breakfast then."

Scott nodded at that and then slipped out of the kitchen and up the stairs, knowing his mom was going to give him such a look... "Hey, Mom," he said, knocking on the doorframe before he brought the coffee in. "Dad's working on breakfast."

"What are you working on?" K asked, brushing her hair back out of her face.

"Waking up," Scott said.

"I see that," she said, smirking up at him. "And did you bring your sweetheart some kind of offering after last night?"

"We went to breakfast together?" Scott said. "Is that a-" He caught himself. "Ah."

"Oh. I'm so happy for you, sweet Caramel Mocha," K said with a little smile. "All grown up."

Scott rubbed the back of his neck. "I... am not sure what to do with that, if I'm honest," he said, though he was grinning. "I was expecting... Dad's just been giving me smug looks..."

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