Heavy Hitters

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They were ready, then, when they were hailed by the next Shi'ar ship ... and as the team stayed back, Logan and K headed for the docking point. Logan was more than a little angry about that, but thankfully, most of those on board thought it was his usual protectiveness. The two of them took opposite sides of the hall and simply waited for the Shi'ar to board.

They came in with a pair of scouts - rifles raised - and even through the mics, all that was heard through Corsair's ship was the twin sound of snikt as the adamantium blades sang in the otherwise silent ship ... followed by a pair of thumps, a clatter and a bigger, more muted whump.

The second group of Shi'ar behind the scouts was clearly confused ... until of course their scout's heads rolled toward them from the opposite sides of the hall a heartbeat before both ferals attacked with an echoing snarl that had the hair standing up on the back of Bobby's neck - and had the both teams flinching when the alien guns begin to fire punctuating the snarls, roars, and wet sounding schripping noises.

Corsair let out a low whistle and looked back toward the rest of the X-Men. "Your heavy hitters are great," he said.

"They say they're not really on the team," Bobby said.

"But they are," Scott cut in, almost sharply.

Bobby held his hands up in front of himself. "I'm ... just repeating what they say."

"Yeah, well, I'll talk to them after we get home and fix their outlook," Scott said.

"Hey, whatever - the point is, they've cut us an open path," Corsair said. He was grinning. "I've never seen Shi'ar in retreat that fast. This is gonna be fun."

"Just follow the bouncing murder dress victims," Bobby said, grinning over his shoulder at Scott before he iced up, and the team started in after Logan and K.

Ahead of the ferals, a door slammed shut, and though K was decent to get into things, she couldn't read their stupid language to bust their code. With a frustrated growl, she sent her claws through the panel just as Logan took a hard slash at the door itself - and the metal curled away under their claws just as easily as anything they'd ever encountered back home ... though even with that, they could only get the door partially open - which left a really fun calling card for the kids when they got up to it.

"Those aliens are terrified," Jean said as she stepped past the slashed up door.

"Yeah, I think Mom and Dad are a little annoyed about coming home from vacation to all this mess," Scott said, shaking his head. "It usually takes a little more to get them this worked up, though."

"They have a lot on their minds," Jean said - coming to their defense without thinking about it.

Scott paused and then smirked her way. "You know what's going on with them, don't you?" he asked. "I thought you couldn't peek in on them!"

She blushed at that. "I ... can peek when they let me. And I already told you she's keeping her mind open to me," she said.

Scott shook his head. "I wasn't trying to get you in trouble," he promised.

"You do know that I talked with them for a lot of the flight here, don't you?" Jean said. "Your parents taught me how to play poker."

Scott paused and then rubbed the back of his neck. "I... wasn't really... I was with Corsair..." He gave her an apologetic smile. "I missed out, didn't it?"

"You really did. They bet the most ridiculous things against each other."

"Well, Dad taught me, and I've got a pretty good poker face myself," Scott said, tapping his glasses. "Totally cheat."

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