Chapter 7- Park Xiyeon?

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(Hyunjin P.O.V)

I hate this Hyunjoon guy so much. How dare he make my bestfriend upset. Is he crazy in the head or something. Yes, Chaewon can be mean sometimes and bossy but she is the nicest person you can ever meet on the earth, besides Yuri. I wanted to slap him but Jeongin stopped me from doing so. Felix was angry, Cheayeon was even more angry, Chaewon was still crying and Sunwoo is still bruised.

"Who did you cheat on her with" I asked

"Park Xiyeon" He said

Now I'm mad. How dare he cheat on Chaewon with the biggest hoe in school. I stood up and punched him in his face.

"What is your damn problem!" I screamed

"Hyunjin!" Chaeyeon ran to me. She tried calming me down but it wasn't working

"How dare you cheat on Chaewon with Xiyeon. Are you dumb?" I asked. He had his head down. Tears were rolling down his face. Like I could give a fuck. He cheated on my best friend.

I couldn't stand here and look at him. I went to Eunbin, who was trying to calm and crying Chaewon down

"Eunbin noona" I said. She looked up at me and sighed

"Hyunjin, I am not giving you the money for a plane ticket so you could fly back to Busan" She said. Damn she knows me to much

"I'm going to have to deal with this myself cause I'm not just going to sit here and let all of this slide noona" I said "He cheated on my best friend, did you hear that, my best friend who is Kim Chaewon. The nicest girl with the prettiest smile and a great personality, who he cheated on with a shitty looking bitch that is one of the biggest hoe in school" (I'm sorry. Xiyeon is really pretty and very nice. This is just for the book) I said. Chaewon then stood up and slapped me in the back of my head.

"Owwwwwww! Chaewon what was that for" I screamed while holding my head on the floor

"Watch your language mister" She said. Yuri and Eunbin started to laugh. Chaewon started laughing as well and then I joined in. I stood up and hugged Chaewon.

"The only thing that can make me happy is for my best friend to be happy. I wouldn't want nothing else in this world except for seeing you smile everyday. I only live for your happiness Chaewon and never forget that" I said (I think we can all agree that we need a boy best friend like Hyunjin)

"Hyunjin" She began "Thank you for being the best boy best friend in the whole world and being here for me along with the others" she said

"Your welcome but, in order for you to be happy Chaewon, you have to forget about Heo Hyunjoon and move on to someone who actually loves you for you" He said

"That will be no one" she said under her breath but I was able to hear.

"You're wrong" I said. She looked up at me confused

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Kim Sunwoo" Yuri said

(Chungha P.O.V)

I wasn't expecting this to happen. My daughter just had her first heart break, as I heard from Chaeyeon.


"I really want to punch that guy in the face right now" Chaeyeon said. I patted her back to calm her down.

She then bowed and sat back down

"I'm sorry, this is just Chaewon's first heart break and it hurts me to see her upset. She really loved Hyunjoon and she did everything for him. I don't know what made him cheat but all I know is that he is going to regret it later on" Chaeyeon said

"Why is that?" I asked

"Chaewon is nice, caring, funny, smart and beautiful just like you. Hyunjoon is handsome, smart, kind and funny. They were fit for each other. So why did he cheat?" She asked herself

"You must be a really good friend to Chaewon if you reallly care that much about her" I said

"No, I'm not a really good friend, I'm a really good unnie" She said. I was shocked by her words.

"I knew Chaewon since we were in kindergarten. Her adopted mom couldn't pay so my mom decided to pay for her. Chaewon and I then became best friends right there. We later on met Hyunjin in kindergarten because he was getting bullied by the 5th graders in our school. I stood up for him and bit those 5th graders until they bled and that was how Hyunjin and Chaewon became best friends" She said

"What about the short girl name Yuri" I asked

"Oh, we met Yuri and Jeongin on the smae day but at different times" She said

"Yuri was so tiny in Kindergarten when we were in 1st grade. Yuri was also poor and got bullied by some of the 1st graders in my, Hyunjin and Chaewon class. Of course me being the unnie I am, taught them a lesson and beat the crap out of them. We then became best friends with Yuri"

"The same 1st graders tried to pick on Jeongin but I stopped them on time. Jeongin then became best friends with us. It was always us five together. Yes we were poor but we still had the guts to stand up for what was ours. We were young and scared of the real world but we fought our way through and we are still fighting" She said

"Thank you for being there for Chaewon" I said. Chaeyeon hugged me and said "I will always be there for Chaewon, even when she moves here to stay with you" Chaeyeon said. I stopped and looked at the 18 year old girl like she was crazy.

"Who said they were going to live here in Seoul?" I asked

"Well that's what all of us thought" Chaeyeon said. I started laughing at her expression.

"You kids are funny" I said between laughs. "I'm going to be moving to Busan with you guys" I said. I then stopped laughing when I heard screaming.

"What is your damn problem!"

Chaeyeon and I stopped our conversating and ran to the voice who was Hyunjin himself.

[End Of Flashback]

I walked over to Youngbok, Felix and tapped his shoulder. He tunred around and he looked like he was about to cry. I pulled him closer and put his head on my shoulder. He started pouring out in tears. I just patted his back so he knows that I'm here at all times.

"It's okay, I'm here" I said

"I want to choke him and hurt him so bad" he said between sobs

"Don't do it okay. It will only make the situation worse" I said in a soft tone. We sat down on the couch so he could calm down. I didn't hear anymore crying, so I looked at him and saw he was peacefully sleeping. I heard someone whisper my name. I turned and saw it was Yuri.

"Queen Chungha, Chaewon is sleep" she said. I nodded my head and called Hyunjin over to help me. I bought Chaewon to a room that was purple and had a princess size bed. I laid her down on the bed and tucked her in.

"Chaewon, I wish I could have done this to you and your brother when you guys were younger" I said. I then kissed her forehead and left out the room.

I walked to the room next to hers which was a room that was painted red and had a game console and a king sized bed. Hyunjin laid Felix down and then bowed to me after leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I sat on the bed next to the sleeping Felix. I miss him and Chaewon both. I didn't know they would grow up this beautiful and handsome. They have every feature of their father. Why is that? If mom was still alive, maybe she would have said the same thing.

I pulled the cover over him and kissed his forehead. I then walked out the room and closed the door. I walked back downstairs to where the rest of the teenagers were at.

"Sunwoo and Hyunjoon" I said with a serious tone. They looked at me and stood up.

"No need. Just sit down and listen" Now it was my time to be Queen.

To be continued....

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