Chapter 1- Kim Chaewon

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(Chaewon P.O.V)
(Busan, South Korea)
(September 10 2017)

On a hot sunny Monday Morning here in South Korea, was me Kim Chaewon. I am 18 years old and I am in my last year in high school. I was walking down the broken road that leads to my school. I live in a very poor family. My mom works at a flower shop and my dad is trying to find a job. I was adopted by them at the age of two. They told me this when I was thirteen. I heard that my real mom was fifteen when she had me but then I also heard that I didn't come into this world alone. I actually came with a twin brother. I hear his name is Youngbok. My parents right now said that they would have adopted him but they didn't have enough money for the both of us. 

I finally made it from that broken down road to a more better road. While I was walking, I saw my two best friends. Lee Chaeyeon and Jo Yuri. I ran up to them and jumped on Chaeyeon. 

"Hi Chaewon" Yuri said. Yuri is one year younger than both Chaeyeon and I. She is a little cutie and her aegyo always makes me uwu. She is 17 years old and is born October 22 2001. She also lives in a very poor family and she gets bullied a lot.

"Hi Yuri" I said while getting off of Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon is 8 months older than me. She was born January 11 2000. She is also in a very poor family and is like a mom to Yuri and I. Whenever Yuri gets bullied, Chaeyeon is always the one to fight the people that bullies Yuri and ends up hurting them a lot. She is really nice and a great dancer and Yuri and I are very lucky to have a friend like Chaeyeon. 

We started walking again only to be greeted by two boys running towards us. Here is Hwang Hyunjin and Yang Jeongin. Hyunjin is born March 20 2000 and Jeongin was born February 8 2001. 

"Hi ladies" Hyunjin said while bowing. I hit him on the top of his head and walked passed him.

"Ow Chaewon, what was that for" He asked while rubbing his head.

"Stop acting like we are famous" I said. 

"But all three of you have amazing voices so you never know, maybe you can become famous" He said

"Maybe you should listen to Chaewon cause she is right, she could never become famous. Poor people never become anything" A random voice said. I turned around and saw Kwon Eunbin. The prettiest girl in the whole school. Every boy wants her, including Hyunjin. 

"What do you want Eunbin" I said while rolling my eyes   

"Please, I don't want anything and what would I get from you anyways. Your poor for god sake, I don't need anything from you" She said while laughing

"Look just because we are poor, that doesn't give you the right to bully us for that" Chaeyeon said while walking towards Eunbin

"Oh Chaeyeon, it gives me every right to do so" She said while pushing Chaeyeon on the floor. I saw that Chaeyeon was mad, so she stood up and punched Eunbin in her face. They both started swinging at each other. Chaeyeon was winning of course but was about to kill Eunbin. Hyunjin, Yuri, Jeongin and I ran towards Chaeyeon and tried pulling her off of Eunbin. We then heard a woman scream. We all stopped only to see that the woman wasn't just any woman. It was our principle.

~In The Principle Office~

"You kids should be a shamed of yourselves" She began

"If it wasn't for Eunbin making fun of us only because we are poor then none of this would have happened" Yuri spoke 

"No excuses!" She screamed "You six will clean up every classroom, the cafeteria, the auditorium and the gym after school, do you understand!" She exclaimed 

"Yes Ma'am" We said in sync

"Go to class now!" Right after that, we all ran out of her office and went our seperate ways to class.

~Time skip to the end of the school day~

"This is all you poor people fault" Eunbin started 

"There she goes again with calling us poor, haven't you already learned your lesson from this morning" Hyunjin said 

"Please I won that fight" Eunbin said 

"Yea right, Don't let me give you another knock down right here right now" Chaeyeon said while cracking her knuckles

"No no no, I'm good, joesonghabnida" She said while bowing and getting back to sweeping the classroom. We all started laughing and finished work. For the rest of the day cleaning up the school, we were just listening to different songs on Chaeyeon's phone. When we were done, we sat in the school garden and started talking.

"I want to become a singer and be on Produce 101 when I grow up, just like my older sister Yoojung did" Yuri said

"Choi Yoojung is your sister" Eunbin said

"Yes and she made it into the girl group I.O.I but sadly disbanded at the beginning of this year but then debuted under another group called Weki Meki" Yuri stated

"Right, didn't they debut last month" Eunbin said. Yuri just shook her head.

"Eunbin do you have any siblings" Yuri asked

"I actually do and he is also famous" She said

"Really what is his name" I asked

"Kim Seok-jin, also known as his stage name Jin from bts" She said

"I knew you looked like someone I knew" Hyunjin said

"Chaewon has a twin brother" Jeongin said

"You do?" Eunbin asked

"Well it's a long story" I said

"It's okay go ahead and say" Eunbin said

"Well I actually was adopted" I began "My real mom was fifteen when she had me and my twin. I heard that I am two minutes older than him and his name is Youngbok. Our mom put us up for adoption because she was too young I guess. My brother and I were very close and looked exactly alike. We learned how to walk and talk at the age of one, so we communicated well at the age of two. That was until a rich family came and adopted my brother and then a poor family came and adopted me. We never saw each other again after that. Now I don't remember how he looks or how his smile is or how cute his laugh was. I miss my brother" I started crying because just talking about it made my heart hurt. I really do miss him a lot but I have to stay strong.

"I'm sorry I asked you to tell your story, I didn't know you were gonna cry" Eunbin said

"No it's okay" I said. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 6:30 PM. Mom is going to kill me

"Guys I have to go cause it's getting late" I said. They all nodded their heads. I then bowed and started running home before it reached 7:00 PM. Maybe someday Youngbok we will meet. Just someday.

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