Twenty Three

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We had been so content with our lives since Tobi had arrived. Even though sleep had become less and Severus was very rarely letting me take care of him when he did wake us, we were happy with our life. 

Until the night that we were awoken, not by Tobi, but by Wormtail, informing us that Harry had been spotted in Hogsmede. He sat up in bed, his shirt was off, Tobi sound asleep there. "Inform the students to gather in The Great Hall." His voice was flooded with sleep, but he quickly laid th child back in the bed between us. 

Once Wormtail was gone, He looked over to me, his hand running through his hair. "The time is here, Rowan." He breathed. "It begins tonight." 

"I fight beside you, Severus." I leaned over, being careful of Tobi, and pressed a soft kiss to his bare shoulder before I rested my head against it. His hand moved to place on my cheek and jis lips pressed to my hair. 

"You wont. Not with Tobi here." He said. 

"Narcissa has agreed to take him, I will not allow you to fight alone." 

He sighed out and stood finally, starting to pull on his usual attire. I watched him for a moment before I stood, getting myself dressed now. I made sure to dress myself and Tobi warm, knowing we would be running shortly after this meeting. I sent Faux off with the message to Narcissa, letting her know Id be there shortly. 

We took off towards The Great Hall. It was so dim and the presence was dark. There were so many Death Eaters here now. They watched our every move. Severus and I walked down the middle of the students. I cluthed Tobias to my chest as we reached the front. I stood to the side, watching Severus. 

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this time of night," His voice was low, but commanded attention and respect from everyone around him. "It has come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmede. " He paused as the students began to whisper among themselves. 

"Now," He looked around the students. "should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aide Mister Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgressions. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty." His voice was quiet still, having no need to yell. 

"Now then," he stepped down the couple of steps and began to walk down the center of the students. "If anyone here have any knowledge of Mister Potters movements this evening, I invite them to step forward." He paused for a moment, taking a couple more steps. "Now."

It was quiet for a few moments before we heard footfalls in the room. Someone was coming forward. I took in a deep breath, holding my sleeping son closer to me. My eyes found the movement as gasps erupted from the students. Harry Potter stood before Severus. 

"It seems, despite your exhaustive, defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Harrys voice was confident, loud, and clear. He was ready to fight. I took a step forward, but knew better than to get involved. I could see how Severus had raised his head a little, not a bit surprised that Potter would show up here. The doors opened behind him, people beginning to walk in behind Harry, wands at the ready.  "And Im afraid its quite extensive."

Harry looked back to the people he had brought. "How dare you stood where he stood!" Harrys voice raised now. "Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you look him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!" Severus' stance changed now, his body tensing. He pulled his wand on Potter, pointing directly at the boys face. 

Minerva quickly pushed Harry back, her wand pointing at Severus. I knew the plan. I was to stand here until Severus reached for me. That hadnt helped the urge to protect Severus lessen, though. His wand lowered slightly, but came back up as fast as it had lowered. 

Minerva was the first to fire, sending flames at him. Students had pushed to the walls, staying clear of the magic. Severus only continues to block them, never firing back at her. He continued this until he got back to the stairs, holding his hand out to me. 

I rushed to his side, holding Tobias away from the flames and took Sevs hand, quickly apperating out of The Great Hall and into his office. His breathing was heavy and labored.

"Are you hurt?" I asked him, my free hand runing over his chest. He shook his head, quickly moving to lock the door. 

"No, get yourself ou of here, Rowan. Do not come back. Run as far as you cna, take our son, find safety. If I make it, I will find you." He breathed out. I shook my head, walking to him. 

"No! I will stay!" I countered. 

His lips pressed to mine in a fiery kiss. I pulled back after a moment and looked up to him. "I will not go,"

"I love you, Rowan, but please. Our son will need you." 

"I am not leaving! He needs both of us and I have the chance to save you, Severus."

"You dont! I am meant to die, Rowan! Tonight my life will end at the hand of your father and I will not allow you to be part of my death!" 

I stood there, shocked at the words he had spoken. All along, he was meant to die?

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