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I held onto Severus as he kissed from my bare shoulders to my belly button, my eyes closing in bliss. I had been craving his touch for so long and I hadnt even realized it. His hands gripped at my thighs, a whimper escaping my parted lips. "Sev," I whimpered, my hands finding his hair. 

His eyes looked up to me as he began to work his way further down. He had already removed  my clothes, leaving me exposed to him. His mouth worked down to my thighs, kissing my inner thigh gently before he placed a small love bite. I gasped softly, biting down on my lip. 

Severus looked up to me as he moved once more, his mouth taking over my center. My eyes rolled back at the sudden warmth his mouth brought to me. "Sev," I whimpered as his  mouth worked to destroy me. 

Every movement brought more and more tension to my body, leaving me shaking when he had earned my climax. I laid there, my body glistening with sweat, panting as if I had just felt the air rush my lungs. Severus pressed kisses all along my body as he came back up, a small chuckle coming from his chest. 

"Do you want me to stop?" His voice purred. His mouth found my jaw, moving down to my neck. I let out a heavy breath, shaking my head gently. Severus growled at me. "Use your words, I like it when you talk." His voice was firm.  I let out a retrained whimper when he bit down on my shoulder. 

"No, sir. Dont stop. Please dont stop." 

"Good girl," He breathed. Slowly, Severus pushed his way into me, leaving me breathless once again. I felt my way to Sevs back, my nails digging into his skin as he began his movements. He growled in my ear, pulling away from me. He sat straight up, taking my thighs in his hands as he continued. 

My mind clouded as Severus stared down at me, his eyes full of pleasure. My back arched, letting him know he was doing everything right. My hands moved to take his, but he growled again, taking my wrists in his hands. He came back down on top of me, pinning my wrists above my head. 

Severus had full control and I loved it. I loved this side of him, how he was gentle and firm all at once. I whimpered under him as the heat returned to my abdomen, the way it had only a few minutes earlier. "Severus, god, youre...Im..Oh my god." I whimpered under him, my hands gripping to his fingers tightly. 

He groaned, his head falling onto my shoulder. He released my hands now, letting my hands go to his hair. I couldnt hold on any longer as Sev picked up his movements, becoming rougher with every moment. My eyes rolled back as my back arched into Snape, pushing my chest to his. I shook under him, whimpers leaving my body. I never wanted this to end, but all too soon, he had finished. 

Severus rested his forehead against mine, one hand on my face as he pulled out of me. I let out a whine and he chuckled, moving to lay next to me. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close to his body. 

This is what he had tried to do last time and I had resisted him. This time, however, I relaxed in his arms, feeling completely safe and content. Sevs hand ran through my hair absentmindedly as I began to drift off into sleep peacefully. 


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