Twenty Six

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My eyes locked onto hers as I headed towards her, standing only feet in front of her. Her dark eyes and wild hair seemed to be crazier than usual. "You dare turn on us now?! After all we have given you?!" She screamed at me. 

I gave a smirk to her as I took another step towards her, my eyes turned hard and cold, feeling no remorse for the fate my mother would find. I took another step and then paused as she pulled her wand on me. "My own flesh and blood betrays me!" She shouted at me.

"How can you live with yourself, Mother? Knowing how much pain you have brought to innocent people? To the people of the muggle world? To the parents who loved their children?" I questioned her. She snarled at me, hunching over a bit.

My wand was at the ready. I knew she would try to attack with surprise. Id learned my skills from her and my father. "Impero!" She mumbled. I quickly moved my wand up, blocking the curse. "Mother, you must have lost your mind in Azkaban. You should remember you taught me the counter spells." I mused. 

I had no knowledge of where Severus was, though I knew he would come find me soon.  I walked towards my mother again. "Besides, your wand resists you." I stated. "Its not your wand and it is not easily turned to dark arts." I smirked. 

I shot a spell at her, knowing better than to speak it. I continued to shoot spells at her as she blocked them, no more words to be spoken until she was laying on the ground, dying a slow death.  Counter spells flew my way, but blocking was far too easy. I missed one spell, a long cut appearing on the side of my face, from my hairline on my left side, to my jaw on the right. It stung as my blood began to pour from my face, but it didnt stop me. 

I shot at her with a binding spell, attempting to stop her wand movements, but only caught her free hand. SHe struggled against it, but did not gain her freedom. She shot another spell at me, another, and then another. 

"Weak!" SHe screeched at me. My vision in my left eye was becoming minimal, knowing it was because the blood had found its way into my eye. I kept the right side of my face towards her, watching her movements closely. Her wand would give her away. She fired one last spell at me, the green light emitting from her wand. I stepped out of the way, letting it go past me. 

With one last spell, I looked to my mother. "Crucio!" I yelled, leaving my mother writing on my floor in pain.  I moved to her, picking up the wand in my free hand. I stared down at my mother as blood dripped from my face. I released her from the spell, glaring down at her. 

"You will never know love. Never know the joy that your grandson would bring you. Never know freedom of choice." I stated. "You will never know what your daughter turned out to be." I placed my booted foot over her throat, staring down at her. I hated this woman. I hated her with a passion I could only describe as thorough loathing. 

"You should have listened all those years ago, when I told you that I wanted to run. When you gave me the scar on my back.  When my father told you that you were of no use to him. We should have left. Yet here we stand, you about to die by your daughters hand. Your own blood killing you, Mother." I hissed at her, putting more pressure on her throat. 

"How dare you bring me into your mess and expect me to fight with, for, and because of you." I growled, kicking her face as hard as I could. My wand placed at her face as I let my foot leave her throat.Her eyes looked up to me, fear suddenly overtaking them

 "Avada Kedavra." I stated, peace in my voice.  The green light came from my wand and absorbed my mothers body. 

I had my revenge and boy, was it sweet. 

She could never hurt me again. 

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