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I sat in Dumbledores office a week later, my legs crossed as I toyed with the hem of my skirt. He watched  me for a long moment before the door opened and Severus walked into the room. His eyes softened as he looked to me. He moved to stand beside me, his hand gently placing on my shoulder. I had gotten used to his touches now. 

Over the past week, hed been helping me work through the touching, which had resulted in me pushing him away a couple times. His dark brown eyes looked down to me before he looked up to Albus. 

"What is you needed to speak with me?" The headmaster asked. His voice was soft, but he looked worried. I looked up to Snape. Both of us straightened as he looked between us. 

"Hes ordered us to wed." Snape spoke matter-of-factly. I took in a deep breath as Dumbledore looked to Snape. He relaxed back in his chair, thinking for a moment. His hand stroked his beard gently. 

"And you intend to follow it through?" He questioned. 

"Sir, if we dont, we will both be killed." My voice was weak as I spoke to the Headmaster. He nodded slowly, looking to me. His sea-green eyes seemed to stare through me. He sat forwards, clasping his hands in his lap. 

"When are you planning?" He asked us.  Snape straightened up again, having relaxed a bit when Albus hadnt gotten angry. 

"Albus, we are here to marry." His voice was calm, unwavering. Albus stood wiht a deep breath and nodded. He moved towards us, motioning for us to follow him. I looked to Snape as he walked past us. He took my hand and helped me up so I could follow. 

"If we do this, we will do this right." Dumbledore spoke as we walked to him. He quickly placed his hand on my shoulder and Snapes. We apparated to the astronomy tower. I gasped, swallowing hard as he let go of me. I stumbled back a bit, shaking my head. Severus looked to me, reaching his hand out for me to take. 

"First time?" Dumbledore asked me. I nodded quickly, taking a moment to catch my breath. After a moment, I took Sevs hand. Albus took in a breath and looked to us. "I assume you have rings?" He questioned. I took my ring off and handed it to the Headmaster. He hesitated for a moment before handing it over to Severus. 

We stood in front of Albus, a foot apart. I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows, trying to make myself busy, though when Albus cleared his throat, I looked up to him. 

"Today we join in marriage, Severus Tobias Snape and Rowanna Delphini LeStrange." He paused, looking to both of us. I smiled slightly as Sevs middle name, his face was bored and Albus could see the look of impatience. 

"You two from this point forward are bound to each other by love and care. Marriage is not an easy thing and it will never be simple. You will infuriate the other, maybe want to hex them," His eyes landed on me for a moment before he continued. "but you will not. Remember to embrace the other as you are, accept what you cannot change, and love fearlessly." He sighed. "Join hands, please." Severus took my hands in his. I looked up to him. 

"Severus, do you take this woman as your own, swear to protect and defend her, love her and all her flaws?" 

Sevs mouth twitched a bit, a smile forming. "Always." His voice rang softly, his eyes never leaving mine. 

"Rowanna, do you take this man as your own, swear to respect and defend him, love him and all his flaws?" 

"Of course." I breathed out. Albus nodded. "Place the rings, please." He said. Severus lifted his right hand, taking the ring from Albus and slipping it on my finger slowly. I mimicked his movements with his own ring before we joined hands again. 

Albus smiled. "Congratulations are in order, Mister and Missus Severus Snape." He smiled softly. I nodded once at Snape before I moved to take my hands away. 

"Oh! I almost forgot. Kiss the bride." Albus waved his hand for a moment. I tensed as Snape took my hands again, pulling me closer to him. He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine in a slow, gentle kiss. He pulled back slowly, pushing hair from his face. I took a deep breath and looked back to Albus. "Thats it?" I asked softly. He nodded. "All is done." He bowed his head. "thank you, Headmaster." I spoke softly. 

He patted my shoulder, making me recoil a little, but Severus quickly placed his hand where Albus had, making me calm. I gave a sheepish smile as Albus disappeared. Snape watched me for a long moment as I walked over to the edge of the tower and rested my arms on the stone. His silver band shone in the sunlight as he took his place next to her. 

"How does it feel?" He asked me quietly, looking to my face, trying to read it. I didnt look at him, instead, I looked over the lake and the mountains in the distance. "It wasnt this that I was worried about, Sev." I whispered, trying to keep the heat from rushing my face. 

He took in a shaky breath and nodded. "I dont want to pressure you, but in a months time, he will question. Its been a month and a half already." He turned to face me. I took in a deep breath and nodded. I knew where he was going and it scared me. "Sev, I dont know...anything apart from what weve done." I whispered. 

"You have to trust me, Rowan." He whispered, placing his hand on my cheek to make me look at him. "WHen the time comes, I will show you, teach you like I have. I will make sure you are comfortable." He whispered, leaning in for a kiss. I took in a breath as he kissed me now, all thought leaving me. 

All i could do was nod. I had to trust him. 

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