Twenty Four

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"Explain!" I almost shouted at him, my anger rising. Severus rubbed at his forehead gently, his thoughts going a mile a minute. I took in a shaky breath, trying to keep myself composed. 

"Your father has planned to kill me since I killed Albus." He siad softly. "He holds the Elder wand now, but it resists him. Malfoy was the one who has rightful ownership and power over the wand, he disarmed Albus, but your father does not know." His voice was soft. 

"Harry disarmed Malfoy a few weeks ago, so Potter  is now in control of it." He took in another deep breath. "I am to die so that Potter will win and Draco shall live." Severus ran a hand through his hair as he took a seat behind his desk. "Your father will not use a spell to kill me. I will die slowly and painfully." He looked up to me now, his eyes full of peace. I could feel the tears falling from my eyes, but I did nothing to stop it. 

"Darling girl, I have lived a full life. I have lived and loved. I have known unconditional love for our son and for you." He smiled, taking my hand in his. "I will die in peace and happiness in my heart, all because you have lived in, what used to be, my pointless life. I was lost, Rowanna, until I found you. You gave my life meaning and purpose and I cannot thank you enough for allowing me the pleasure of being your husband and the father of your child." He pulled me into his lap, holding me close. 

I gripped at his clothing, finally letting out the sob I had been holding in. My head rested against his shoulder as his words sank in. He would die happy, but what would I do? How would I live without my husband? The man I was so in love with? I clung to him as if my life depended on it. I pulled away suddenly, looking at him. I stood, shaking my head. 

"I will not accept this, Severus! I cannot let you go out there and fight, knowing you will die!" I pointed towards the door. "You are the first man I have ever loved and you will be the last! You are the father of my child! The first person to ever touch me and make me feel safe!" I yelled at him. 

"I was nothing but a pawn before you came along! I was a pawn between good and evil and I knew nothing else! Now I have felt your touch! I have felt the passion two humans can have! I have felt the love beating inside of me with every moment! I want nothing more in this life than to be with you!" I begged him now. "I am in love with you and cannot let you die! I wont! I vowed to spend our lives together!" I sobbed, shing my head. 

"You vowed to be with me until death do us part, and now is when we part, Love." He took a step towards me and pulled me into his chest. I gripped him tightly again, hiding my face in his chest. I felt as though my legs would give out at any moment. Hed known this all along and within minutes, I needed to be okay with losing him. 

"I love you. Please dont be sad for me, my dear. I am content with my decision." He breathed. 

All I could do was hold onto him and sob. My heart seemed to ache as the thought of his death. He felt it was inevitable, but I did not. I could protect him. 

"I am my fathers daughter, I will not let you die." I breathed out. "I am strong, talented, and good at my craft. I will not let this happen." 

"Rowan, darling, it happens no matter what you do." 

I didnt care what he was telling me. I knew I could beat this. I could beat my father. I would save Severus Snape if it killed me. 

I would save the love of my life no matter what happened. 

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