Chapter 1

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As Stevonnie was happily dancing around yellow diamond rosed up to her throne and mumbled angrily "Pink what are you doing" Stevonnie stopped and stare up at her "I was just dancing" they said as they hold their hands to find out they fused.

Pearl looked up at the diamonds shocked not knowing what to do as well as Amethyst who was on the floor next to other Amyethyst.Blue diamond also stand up "Pink, this is completely unacceptable! Unfuse or I'll make you" before Stevonnie could respond Ruby and Sapphire fused into garnet going in front of Stevonnie protecting them "You have to go through me!" Garnet said But all of sudden another new fusion came and said " And me!"
Stevonnie started at Garnet thinking maybe garnet knew them but Garnet shrugged.
Jade smiled and said "I knew it! I knew I couldn't be the only one" but before they made a sudden move Jade was struck by lighting none other than yellow diamond and poofed. Yellow then struck lightning to Garnet which made them poof, Stevonnie screamed "Garnet!!"
Stevonnie was terrified until blue came to her and use her crying abilities to make them unfuse. Successfully Steven and Connie did unfuse. Steven open his eyes slowly to see blue diamond's hand get Connie and bubble her Steven got up and was trying to get the hand of blue pleading "Blue, please stop! why did you bubble Connie!"
Even if Steven tried to make blue leave Connie alone, blue diamond never let go, she touched the bubble and it disappear with thinair she looked down at Steven with a disappointing look "Pink, this pet of yours is going to white diamond for  her punishment ..."
Yellow diamond then stomped on the ground hard with her heel, Steven look up to her, terrified.

Yellow diamond said angrily "Pink you've gone too far even for you!" She then got Steven by one hand and throw Steven to the room and said "Stay in here and think about what you've done!" Steven stand back up and stand his hand out and said "no wait-" but before Steven could speak more they closed the door on him.

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