"This is good news I guess or the Akatsuki had really onto them now. Jiraiya-sama did tell us that if worst comes to worst, they will return to the village," he stated.

'Could be, but it is about time that they return home anyway," I replied as I placed the paper on my 'In' tray that was ever piling up with paperwork for me to review. Torune dismissed himself soon afterward as I became deep in thought about our ever-elusive adversary. My Foundation Anbu operatives and ANBU Black Ops alike had failed to get a whiff about the organization. I couldn't blame them though as the organization was immensely secretive even to its member but Itachi had already provided us with enough information if he could from time to time--the Akatsuki consists of a squad of S-rank criminals working as mercenaries as well as having a leader wielding Rinnegan and the organization was possibly being controlled or manipulated by 'Madara'. That guy would be the most paranoid and highly cautious ninja in the organization and yet to reveal his real plan so Itachi couldn't risk exposure just yet. Such was also the same as Orochimaru's case, the deranged Snake Sannin had slipped through our grasp every time that we got a whiff of them and along with him, Sasuke. I sighed as I thought about my lost teammate, my weaknesses had led him to slip into the dark path. If only that I was more hard-headed, he would've returned way back before he disappeared. I had to think of some tactics to get him back here without any major repercussions on Team 7's part. Thinking of those Uchihas brought me back to the recently hidden scroll in my jacket, without a second thought, I withdrew the scroll to read it.

"Wasure Rareta Hito,

There is an unprecedented situation about me that both of us need to meet face to face. Meet me at a Dango shop near Taki and Fire border.


Misute Rareta Hito**

P.S: We will be having a long discussion."

I rolled back the scroll before I set it ablaze. I didn't even miss the cryptic postscript at the end that I could only assume that he had found out about his amnesty. There was only one culprit for this predicament and it was sitting on my desk right now.

'Juzo, by any chance, did you tell Itachi about my decision regarding him that you unceremoniously forced me to tell you a few months ago?' I darkly questioned the cat as he gnawed on the fish nonchalantly. Even worse, Juzo merely huffed at me. I blew a heavy breath as I wiped my whole face and I grumbled about taking away the fish and tossed it to Tora before I whipped up an empty scroll to write my reply to Itachi. Juzo immediately disappeared from my office after I sealed the scroll that I was sending through him. Soon afterward, I finally could go home, seeing as it was already late and Hitori might get angry at me tonight. Wouldn't want to mess with an angry Hitori, you'll burn, literally.

The next morning, I woke up to Hitori's shouting from the kitchen as per usual. In all honesty, my coming home late at night had never failed to numb down our nocturnal activities. Hitori never even muttered a single complaint about my late return and instead, she made do with what she had and made every other night ever so meaningful. I could already smell the brine scent of the dashi simmering on the stove. With a heavy sigh, I opened my still drowsy eyes and stood up from the bed. With no clothes on, I could see my whole body in the mirror that we used as a closet door. It was littered with scars, more so on my thighs. Much to my relief, I had ceased harming myself and I was thankful to Inoichi-sama that helped me and Sakura. The most profound scar was from the balcony of the Konoha General Hospital. That one had made its mark on our lives, Sakura and me. We are now the better version of who we once were.

'Honey, you will be late for your trip!' Hitori shouted yet again. She had no doubt had finished whipping me and my escort a bento.

'Yes, yes,' I said as I scurried into the bathroom before she got even mad with me.

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