"You belong to me!" You narrowed your eyes and stuck out your tongue. It felt good to be able to joke around with your husband about your problems, even if they may not be appropriate.

"Hell yeah you do," he playfully said, smooching you.

* * *

"Saeyoung, get ready for God's sake!" Saeran pounded on the door to his brother's room, adjusting the cuffs of his dress shirt. You were beside him, a hand on your hip as you waited for the manchild to just hurry up. You were a girl and broke the stereotype of taking forever to get ready.

"Just a sec- OW!" A thump was heard on the other side of the door, and Saeran lost his patience and barged in. Saeyoung had his hair styled and his fancy outfit on, but the attention was soon turned to the fact that he was trying on your heels.

"Are you kidding me?" The angry twin said, taking his brother by the arm as well as his dress shoes placed beside the door. "You really think this is the time to screw around? We're going to be late!"

Your face was red from embarrassment, but you still laughed as Saeran led Saeyoung out the door like an actual dog. The three of you hopped into Saeyoung's nice car and finally set route to Jumin's penthouse.

Jumin decided to host a little party with the RFA members. It was dress to impress, so it wouldn't be a reckless party like you've had in the past. Or dangerous.

As soon as you arrived, you ran with the boys up to the main building and hopped in the elevator, waiting until you were on Jumin's floor. You rushed to the door and knocked, a little out of breath. You had to slip your heels back on since you were running and didn't want to fall to your death.

Jumin answered the door instead of a servant. "We were worried you wouldn't make it," Jumin sighed out, giving you room to walk in. Your arm was hooked with Saeyoung's while Saeran kind of walked in with his hands in his pockets. Yoosung walked over to him and greeted him so he wouldn't hang around as a third wheel.

"Hello, Princess," Zen waved from across the room. You waved back and smiled. There was some calm jazz playing from a stereo and you could smell the food you would all have later.

"This was so nice of you," you told Jumin, earning a 'thank you' from him. Whenever he showed his soft side, it made you happy.

"I really like your dress," Jaehee said as she walked up to you.

The RFA might not be able to host parties for a while, but this felt extra special. It was small and full of everyone you absolutely loved. You wished V would have made it, but maybe it was best for him to take some time off.

Near the end of the night, you decided to walk out onto the balcony while Jumin yelled at Saeyoung for manhandling Elizabeth. Jumin knew it would have been best to lock her up in his room while guests were over, but he rather risk Saeyoung trying to touch her than make her suffocated all alone in a room.

It was dark and a little chilly, but it didn't bother you. You were lost in thought anyway as you leaned against the railing.

You heard the door open and closed, followed by Saeran making his way next to you.

"Hey," you said, holding onto the rail but stepping away. "Did Sae get his ass beat yet?"

"No, not yet," he explained. "But there's a lot of running."

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Where stories live. Discover now