Chapter 4

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It has been a day since Saeyoung was gone. He would come back within the next few days, but it still felt empty and lonely in the household. Saeran was there with you, but he wasn't the proper substitute for the other Choi's bubbly personality. It wouldn't last long, you hoped.

You worked at a book store down the street. You were too afraid to use Saeyoung's cars, so you usually walked your way. Before you left for the day, you decided to take a shower.

While you were halfway through your cleansing session, you realized that you left your razor downstairs. Bizarre, right? It's because it was a new one and you needed scissors to open to package, so you did it downstairs. Sighing, you called out for Saeran.

You heard the bathroom door creak open.


You could hardly hear is soft voice through the sound of the shower head.

"Could you please get my razor from downstairs?"

You had your head poked through the curtain and you watched him nod and leave. He shortly came back with it and handed it to you. Thanking him, he started to leave.

Yes yes, you were able to shave your leggy leg's. It's good to keep them in caress-quality.

However, you weren't the greatest at balancing. So when you propped your leg up on the side of the tub, you slipped. You went to grab onto the water to catch your fall, but it did nothing so you grabbed onto the curtain instead. It decided to fall with you instead of helping you, so after a curt scream and a fairly loud bang, you were laying on the bottom of the tub with the curtain covering you.

Thank god, though.

Saeran ran in to see what was happening. He quickly covered his eyes and turned away. There wasn't anything to see, though. The curtain covered everything.

"It's okay, I don't have a titty out." You stood up and wrapped the curtain around yourself like a towel. Turning off the water, you stepped out.

"Alright..." He turned back around with his hands to his sides. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I only fell," you said. Your one leg was still covered in shaving cream. The bottom half was washed away.

"You're bleeding!"

Quirking a brow, you looked down at your evidently bleeding leg. You probably cut yourself with the razor while falling.

"It's alri-"

"I'll help you, hold on!"

Saeran made you sit on the closed toilet seat while he was rummaging through the first-aid kit. He kneeled down before you with some boo-boo cleanser and a band-aid. You made sure your legs were crossed; a curtain can't cover everything.

After he made sure the cut was clean, he put the band-aid on and helped you stand back up. You blinked a couple times, then smiled.

"Thanks, but I could of done that myself.." you said.

"Yeah, I know..." he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. He felt embarrassed now.

"I'm glad you care, though," you said, which made him smile.

"I always do," he replied. That made your heart jump. You don't know why, though. It was probably because he doesn't show his feelings most of the time. He is still hurt from the past, and it will take years to recover, so any sign of compassion from him excites you. And probably Saeyoung too. And anyone else.

You shooed him out of the bathroom so you could finish. Then you headed to work.

While you were stocking books onto the shelves, you kept thinking about Saeran's unusual kindness. He's learning. You don't know whether to be surprised or happy or excited or scared.

Either way, maybe some time without Saeyoung won't be as bad as you thought.

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя