Chapter 2

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You woke up clinging to Saeyoung's still body.

Or what seemed like Saeyoung.

He felt dead inside and cold and everything the opposite of his normal self. But, as always, you blamed your assumptions on your cold.

You looked at his sleeping body. Your eyes narrowed, and something felt wrong. You couldn't put your finger on it.

That's when you heard footsteps toward the room and.... Saeyoung in the doorway. You looked at Saeyoung, then back at the boy on the bed. Damn it, you accidentally mistook Saeran for Saeyoung. It's happened a couple times before, but not this bad!

"What do we have here?" Saeyoung asked with a smile on his face. He didn't seem mad, but his expression seemed forced... faked...

"I'm sorry, it's not what it looks like.." You got up out of bed. Good thing you didn't sleep naked that night.

"I trust you," he replied. Saeran stirred a little in his sleep and turned on his side now that he didn't have anyone hanging onto him. You didn't want you husband getting the wrong idea or anything. Imagine what would happen...

"I thought you were him last night so it's my fault," you said, still apologizing even though he pretty much told you it was ALRIGHT. Gotta be extra-sure, though.

"I know, I trust you," he repeated. "I fell asleep on the couch, sorry."

"I know, I trust you," you mocked. You gave him a still sleepy embrace, immediately feeling his body heat. So it wasn't your illness all along.

"Let's let him sleep," Saeyoung said, leading you out of your room. Saeran usually sleeps in late.

The two of you went downstairs and you set yourself at the kitchen table. Saeyoung sat opposite of you, staring into your eyes. "Do you feel any better?"

Giving a nod, you rested your head against your hand, staring back. You did feel better, though. It turned into a head cold mostly.

Saeyoung's phone buzzed and he went to check it. You didn't know if it was from the RFA group chat since you left your phone in the bedroom.

"Yoosung wants everyone to hang out with him at the mall today," he said, typing for a couple seconds. "Are you up for it?"

"Of course," you said. "I just need to pack some tissues."

The meetup wasn't scheduled until later on in the afternoon. Saeran was going to tag along... if he woke up at some point. After eating breakfast, you went upstairs to get a shower. Of course, you had to kick out Saeran first.

Quietly, you made yourself to the sleeping man on your bed. At first, you gently shook him. That did absolutely nothing. Then you gave him a decent push. Still... nothing. So you slapped him on the back, causing him to slowly wake up. It didn't hurt him, your small girl hands can't do too much damage.

He turned to his other side so he was facing you. He stared at you, and you stared back.

"Get out, or I'm going to start getting naked right here, right now."

Saeran got up, apologized for falling asleep with you, and left. But not before you explained what really happened. Of course, he knew what happened, but still apologized for not stopping you like a RESPONSIBLE ADULT.

For the next couple of hours, you got ready, blew your nose more than a hooker, and played Mario Kart against your husband who seemed more like a son at the moment. All the while, Saeran was having trouble picking between a black sweater and a slightly lighter black sweater. They honestly looked the same but he was having difficulties.

He eventually picked the slightly darker one and joined the two of you on the couch in front of the Wii system. Sadly, you only owned two of the Mario Kart steering wheel controllers so he sat out.

"It's Waluigi STYLe."

Sometimes you had great concern about why you married the manchild you fell in love with the first time you first saw him. It questions you, but the answer is simple. Your taste in men is unique.

"What time do we need to be there?" Saeran asked. You answered with 'an hour', not letting your eyes leave the screen. Saeyoung approved of your answer, and screamed as you beat him for one of the first times ever.

"Get rekt." You bragged.

"Never." Saeyoung felt defeated. He sighed. "I guess we could leave now, a little more time to have to ourselves."

He just didn't want to sit in his pity.

In conclusion, the three of you arrived at the mall a half an hour earlier than originally planned. You texted in the group chat while you waited on a bench with the other two boys.

(Y/N): We're here early and I'm growing impatient!

YOOSUNG★: I didn't even leave yet T_T

YOOSUNG★: I got a little distracted and also Jumin can't come

YOOSUNG★: he doesn't trust leaving elizabeth alone while getting groomed

JUMIN: You do know I can speak for myself.

(Y/N): Aw man, maybe you can come after?

JUMIN: Maybe.

(Y/N): I know Zen is coming, but can Jaehee make it?

YOOSUNG★: Yeah! She's getting out of work early but she might be a tad late ^^

(Y/N): well that's good!

Jumin Han has left the chatroom.

(Y/N): poof

YOOSUNG★: ok! well I'm going to leave now, cant text and drive

YOOSUNG★: see you later (Y/N) ^^

Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.

You turned your phone off and waited for everyone to arrive. While waiting, you rested your head against Saeyoung's shoulder. Saeran was sitting on the other side of you. It was like a ginger sandwich.

"Maybe tonight we can include myself and have a sleepover." Saeyoung said.

"That would be fun," you added. "Maybe we can get everyone coming to sleepover at our place!"

"That doesn't sound safe..." Saeran pointed out.

"Yeah. But it's a great idea," Saeyoung argued.

"It's a pretty bad one," said the other brother.

"Let's just wait and see what happens when they get here," you said. The two nodded. You smiled. Sometimes the smallest arguments can mean a whole lot more than you would think.

Positively, of course.

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя