Chapter 16

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You and Saeyoung had the amazing idea of hosting a Halloween party for yourselves and your friends. The whole gang was there: You, Saeyoung, Saeran, Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, and Jumin. Vanderwood even showed up. Of course, there were rules, the obvious one being there had to be a costume worn to attend the celebration. You decided to dress as a bat (a rather sexy/cute one, whichever you prefer) and of course, your wonderful husband was a cat. Jumin also had some cat ears thrown on his head.

There was also alcohol. Under the drinking age or not, who the hell would be watching anyway?

Saeran had seemed kind of down lately. He was dressed like a bumblebee, but he was sitting on the couch in his own world while everyone else went around the room to bond with each other.

The television was set up so spooky music would play. There were orange and black balloons that floated to the rather high ceiling, and streamers were hanging low from the ceiling as well. Of course Saeyoung helped with that since he was taller than you. There were bowls of candy placed in different parts of the house because what is Halloween without candy?? Besides, no child would likely come up to the door and trick-or-treat at your mysterious home.

"I made these... Jell-o shots," Jumin said, bringing over a tray of them to the kitchen island. "They're not my taste, but you asked to contribute, so... I also brought an extra pair of these." He got out a headband with cat ears, similar to his own, and placed them on Zen's head. He glared, but didn't take them off.

"Thanks, man," you said, looking over the tray of colorful gelatin pucks. You've had them before a couple years back, and they kind of burned. You were already functioning on a glass of wine and some previous shots, so was it worth it to get totally wasted?? Hell yeah.

"I brought some healthy fruit pops," Jaehee said, bringing in her contribution. "No alcohol or anything, made specially for my son, Yoosung."

Yoosung looked around, slowly lowering his beer can into the trash. 

The vibe of happiness and partying made you feel good inside, and you tried to soak it all in at once. The alcohol was already laying effect, but you still felt decently fine. It wouldn't be a good idea to drive, not even with a single drink, but you could walk without stumbling or talk without slurring your words. Saeyoung came up behind you and put an arm around your shoulders.

His touch only lasted a minute until he went over to Jumin and grabbed both of his hands, pulling him around. "Come on, dance with me!"

Jumin sighed and let Saeyoung pull him around like some puppet on strings. You laughed and looked over at Saeran who was still moping around with a glass of liquor, and decided to go over to him and grab his hands to pull him up.

"What are you doing??" he asked with a grunt as he fully stood up, stumbling back a little.

"Dance with me you loser!" you said, pulling him around in the same fashion Saeyoung was doing. His arms were limp and he wasn't really interested, but he didn't stop you. "Don't you know how to dance?"

"Uh, no?" he said, as if you already knew the answer to that. You continued to just fuck around until you finally let him go. "How much did you drink?"

"Uh, not a lot?" you said, mocking his previous tone. "Why aren't you with everyone else?"

"I'm tired," he stated flatly, making you frown. "What?"

You shrugged, a starting to leave. "Have some fun," you said before completely turning your back to him to join your friends. He sighed and sat back down, taking a sip from his glass, the liquid burning his throat. His eyes grew heavier as he continued to doze in his own mind.

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Where stories live. Discover now