Chapter 25

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You were sitting in bed a couple of days after you were released out of the hospital. You spent about three days there, the twins by your side the whole time. You started to think they were finally beginning to truly bond with each other, and you couldn't be happier.

But there was one more thing you had to figure out how to fix.

Saeyoung finally walked into the room, instantly taking his shirt off and hopping into bed next to you. He was playing video games with Saeran in the living room, so you decided to let them have their time together while you got ready to go to sleep.

"Hey, babe," Saeyoung said, hugging your waist since you were propped up with your phone in hand. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing now," you said, setting your phone down to pat his head. You were a little nervous and very tired, but you knew you had to bring up what was bothering you. "Um... I found papers in the dresser." You hoped he knew what you were talking about.

He looked up at you. "About what?"


Saeyoung blinked, pretending to be in thought about your concern. You became impatient and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Why do you have depression?" you finally asked. He looked up at you, then back down as if he was embarrassed that you found out. "Aren't you happy? Am I not making you happy or something?"

Saeyoung sat up and took your face in his hands, looking at you in the eyes. He could read the worry and panic hidden in your stare, so he spoke in a calm and even voice.

"(Y/N), you do make me happy. You make me so happy, okay? Don't think that you don't... if I didn't, I wouldn't have forgiven you for.. the past," he said, not taking his eyes off of you. You desperately wanted to believe him, but he still never answered your original question.

"Is it Saeran?" you asked, hoping he would make you stop worrying. "Is it the past? Just tell me..."

"Let's keep it at the past, alright?" he responded, making you close your trembling eyes as some tears threatened to come out. "Don't ever blame yourself for what's wrong with me."

"I-I know, I just..." You took his hands off of who so you could take a few deep breaths. You didn't know why you started crying, it just happened. "I've done some dumb things and I would hate if that made you-"

"Were you not listening to me?" Saeyoung placed a hand on the small of your back. "I've been a jerk at times, too. You've been sticking around with me on this long journey of getting my brother back not once, but twice." He scratched the back of his head and looked away. "I wasn't expecting to get tricked by both Rika and V like that, though... it was as if we were in a hero movie or this whole story had loopholes..."

Now there are only three walls...

"Anyway," he continued since you showed no interest in his little joke. "I wouldn't have been able to do the things we've accomplished if it wasn't for you." He gave your back a pat as well as a reassuring, wonky smile.

It was the same smile that made you fall for him in the first place.

"I guess your right," you finally said, wiping away the little tears you produced. "I just got worried... But from this whole journey, I've realized you have grown as a person."

"I have?" he asked, his eyes meeting your (E/C) ones.

"You went from wanting to send Saeran away to actually trying to help him... I think," you smiled.

"You grew too! You went from loving me... to my brother... and to me again!" He gave a little laugh, causing you to laugh because it was kind of funny even though it was a serious issue at the time. You lifted your hand to wave away your wedding ring.

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Where stories live. Discover now