Chapter 22

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You were sitting on the edge of the bed, paper in hand. You kept reading over the name.

Saeyoung Choi.

Saeyoung Choi.

Saeyoung Choi.

The name sounded stale in your head. You didn't dare speak of it out loud.

Saeyoung Choi.

How long had he been keeping it from you?

Saeyoung Choi.

You hit a mental wall. The road had been really bumpy lately. There were times where it was nicely paved, there were times where it had too many potholes, there were times where there were twists and turns and large obstacles that you had to maneuver through.

But you just hit a wall at full speed.

You gently placed the documents to their original place to make it unknown that you possessed the knowledge that could make or break the relationship.

Was it my fault?

You laid flat on the bed. The ceiling was staring back at you, making you zone out. Then you cried. The tears had been held in for too long. They raced down your face and into your hair. You were still flat on your back but curled up onto your side like a fetus. It started out silent but it gradually became audible. 

As you were lost in your head, Saeran quietly entered the room. You instantly became embarrassed and tried to stop your nonsense, looking into his cold eyes that you assumed couldn't hold any feeling anymore.

"You're crying," he bluntly stated, standing above you. You coughed, trying not to make eye contact. He was like a robot.

"No shit," you mumbled. It was the first time he saw you at your breaking point, something you tried to keep to yourself. You felt the bed buzz from the vibrations your phone made beside you.

"Why?" He asked, still creepily standing above you. There was a dominance being established, and you were the one below everything.

"I don't know," you lied. You were worried that if you told him the truth, he would go all crazy again. 

"You know," he insisted, taking a seat beside you. But did you? Was it really because your husband was depressed, or because you felt like you caused him to become that way? You could've prevented it. That's what you wanted to believe, anyway. In reality, even if you did know it was going to happen, you probably couldn't have done much to stop it.

Saeran was right, you did know.

You felt incapable of doing anything right.

You didn't respond but instead cried some more. He watched you, his eyes burning into your head like they were lasers. His stare began to burn you, but you couldn't get up and simply move away from him. You couldn't tell him to get away. It was like you wanted the attention. You needed the attention.

"He went to Yoosung's house," he suddenly said. That was odd, usually, Yoosung was the one to come over, not the other way around.

You were motionless. Saeran got the hint that you weren't going to be moving any time soon, so he crawled onto the bed and laid beside you on his back. Your back was facing him, so it wasn't as weird as it would have been in past incidents.

"Why are you in here?" you said. He stayed silent, but you kept your eyes on the closet doors on the other side of the room. You felt a warmth against your back followed by a hand slipping around your waist. The attention made your heart flutter and your stomach upset. Then one of his legs slipped between yours.

"Making you feel better," he said. His actions seemed too contrasted from the day before. It began to make you worried.

"By spooning me?" you asked. He snickered in reply. That was weird.

"I'm closer to your ear now. I want to talk to you," he said. His attitude was strange, but you brushed it off.

"This is an odd way of talking to me," you replied. The tears started to dry onto your face, but there wasn't any more falling in place. "Also, I will attack you if I feel a boner on my ass."

"Anyway..." He felt awkward. "So. About last night."

You stayed silent to let him keep talking.

"All I want is a family," he began. "You know enough about my past, (Y/N). You know that I could never experience what a true family was. I feel like I'm closer now than I had ever been, but it keeps getting fucked up. Between us, between me and my brother... It's difficult, and I wasn't prepared."

You nodded. His arm was still draped over your side, his hand DANGEROUSLY close to your breast.

"I feel like I'm stressing everyone out too much. I can't justify my actions, so I thought going to V for answers would be fine, but... that god damn cult fucked up his mind."

"What do you mean?" Oh, this was the tea.

"He's not the V that Saeyoung knew as a kid, that's for sure. I don't know what's up with him. He seemed fine at first, but then he went on about... uh, it doesn't even matter at this point. He's horrible at giving advice."

You began biting the inside of your cheeks.

"Yeah," you said.

You stayed in the position with him for a little longer in complete silence.

As time passed, you grew more and more uncomfortable. Why were you letting Saeran be so inappropriate? Nothing wrong was happening, but it made you get an uneasy feeling. It wasn't right to be going between two brothers the way you had been doing, but it was your guilty pleasure. Unfortunately.

"Did V say anything bad?" you asked, breaking the continuum of silence.

"Uh.. no, he didn't," Saeran said. He was so cool and collected that the whole situation seemed odd. The change from his crazy persona to his calm one made you feel sicker.

"You hesitated," you said, closing your eyes. "Something obviously happened."

"Trust me, I would've told you if he said something odd," he replied. But you knew deep down that something was hiding from you.

"Hand me my phone," you said. Saeran did as asked. You were met with a few notifications from Jaehee, asking if you were alright since you hung up on her so abruptly. 

JAEHEE: I'll make plans accordingly. I hope you're okay.

You didn't know what to do at that moment. In a way you were bored, but you were still worried about your husband.

As you laid there, eyes shutting, Saeran sharing his body warmth, you heard a crash downstairs. It made you jump, and Saeran was already sitting up.

"The fuck was that?" he asked. You hoped it was Saeyoung, but it could be anything.

You gently got onto your feet, making your way to the door. You put your ear up to it, listening to anything. There were heavy footsteps. There was more than one person in the house.

"People are here," you said, looking at Saeran with worried eyes. He made his way over to you, pushing you so you were behind him.

"I'm going to check what's going on, you stay here," he said.

"I'm fucking going with you, airhead," you said, a little annoyed.

"God, fine," he sighed, opening the door. He tiptoed down the hallway, you behind him. You made it to the living room where there were men in black, along with a broken window... which you guessed is where they got in.


The men pointed their guns at you and Saeran, their eyes on you.

"Don't fucking move!"

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt