Ch 19 Im Here Now

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Niall's *POV*-

I look up and down the back walls of the building for a different entrance. Going in through the front door would be to main stream.

I search more until i come to a door on the right side of the dance studio. Its luckly unlocked and i slowly twist the knob and step inside. I take a few steps inside and look around, its dark and no body seems to be here. I take one more step and someone grabs my arms and covers my mouth with their hand.

"mmhsdhihgjdmmmhhhdfyfu." i try screaming but their hand muffles the sound.

They lead me to a room that is dim. The only light is coming from a screen in the far corner of the room. Only then do i notice that i need to remain calm and not fight back, as there is a gun pressed against the small of my back.

I hear a small gasp from the oppisite side of the room....


"ARGH!" the person screams as i bite down on his hand that is covering my mouth. I snap his wrist, breaking the gun away from his fingers and it slides to the other side of the room. I rush to Lizzy's side.

"Liz baby its ok, im here now." I say and kiss her forehead. She tries to say something to me but the cloth in her mouth is blocking out her sound.

I look behind me, i feel like that is what she is telling me to do. I see the gun and grab it, i hear the foot steps of someone coming. I quickly cut of the ropes that are tieing her hands together. She stands up and grabs my free hand and we wait for the aproching person.

~Elizabeth's *POV*-

Oh My God. Niall is here, he could die right in front of me. I expect the man who has Niall is going to tie him to somehting or kill him, but instead, Niall bites his hand and snaps his wrist so the gun slides away from him. The man screams in pain and Niall rushes to my aid.

"Liz baby its ok, im here now." he says to me and kisses my forehead.

I warn him to get the mans gun that is now behind him, as i hear foot steps coming towards us. He grabs it and cuts all the ropes that hold me and i stand by his side, hand in hand, as we wait for the person to come.

"Its so sweet, you would risk your life for her. Well your sweetness towards her could have been a mistake, if you didnt plan on both of you dieing." the man says and laughs loudly.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you want her?" Niall screams at him defending me. I squeeze his hand to let him know that im still here and hes not alone. 

Instead of responding to Niall's question, the man advances towards us with his knife ready. He takes me out from behind Niall whith ease and holds the knife to my throat.

"One more move Clover, " he says to Niall, "and ill kill her. Thats a promise.

Despite what he said Niall jumps for me. Right as he reaches my arm, i feel a warm liquid going down the front of me and a loud boom of a bullet. Niall shot him, but at the same time, whoever he was, cut my throat.

The last thing i see is perimedics coming in to my side, and thats when everything goes black and i dont wake up anytime soon.


Here ya go loves. I love you all. Thanks for reading. More will be posted tomorrow. vote/comment/share

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