Ch.5 To Late

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I will post more tonight. Thanks for reading! (:

Elizabeths *POV* -

Niall called me while I was at the party with Hayliey, I answered because I was talking to this really nice guy named, Josh, but I wanted to get away. So i told him that the call needed to be taken. He seemed like a really nice guy and all but i will never get over Niall. We talked for a little bit, then Hay got mad and told me i needed to go talk to Josh again. So i said bye to Niall, but before i hung up he told me he loved me. I was shocked, but obviously said it back, and hung up. Hay dragged me back over to Josh. When the party ended Josh insisted on having luch the next day and Hayliey gave him my number.

When we get back to our doorm i lay down and think of what made Niall say that. Obviously his date with Cher went good, he sounded so happy, like he wanted to tell me all about it. But then again, he called me. wasnt Cher supposed to be staying over at his house tonight? I look at the clock and decide to call him back, i can stay up, its friday night. My phone rings 2 times and then he answers.

"Hey! Liz, you called back! Thank you I would love to talk right now." he says and i step out the door to leave Hayliey and that boy she brought with her to kiss by themselves.

"Yes i called back, I wanted to find out how the date was... and why Cher didnt come over." I say quietly.

"Oh, well her ex fiance called as we were leaving the restraunt, they got in a fight and she wasnt really up to come back to my flat with me. Other than that the date was lovely!" he tells me about where he took her and what they did. They must have really enjoyed it. We sit and talk for hours as i sit on the floor in the hallway. I can see the pink sky forming in the distance, through the glass door at the end of the hallway, and look at my watch.

"Niall?" i stop him in mid sentence. " I have to go soon its morning here, but i have a question."

"Anything love, what is it?" he asks.

"Well before we hung up when i was at the party, you said you loved me. What do you mean?"

"To be honest i think i was tired. I fell asleep right after we hung up. Well goodnight love." he replied. and hung up. I stare at the wall in front of me, not knowing what to do. I decide to go back to the doorm. I slowly get up and walk the room, i walk straight pass the half naked couple on my floor and crawl into bed.

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