Ch. 8 'Finally!'

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Hey loves! Comment what you guys think about the story and if you want, add some suggestions and i might put yours in the story ;)

Elizabeth's *POV*-

Niall was trying to tell me something earlier, something important, but the boys had to interupt and now i am just waiting desprately back stage for there break. Then he will have time to tell me.

They have sang 5 songs already and are finally coming backstage for the break. Niall runs his eyes over everyone and then he sees me. His eyes glow as if it was the first time we met again, i like it.

"Hey Lizzy-bear!" he screams. Its cute and i giggle, he is like an 11 year old, I dont mind.

"Hey Nialler." I say back inbetween giggles. I look over his shoulder as he hugs me and i see Harry bend down and give Brandy a kiss. I hear him say that it was for good luck. I search for Zayn and Baylee but I cant seem to find them. Must be somewhere that we dont need to be.

"What were you going to tell me earlier Niall?" I say remembering why I was so urgent to see him.

"You will see." he says and runs back on stage with the boys. My heart drops, he couldnt have just told me right here? Ugh that boy.

Again me and the girls are watching the boys and singing along with the songs. They come to the end of 'Up All Night' and are about to sing 'More Than This' but Niall stops them.

"Hold on boys, there is something i need to do first." he says and he boys look at him confused. "Elizabeth!?" he screams "Lizzy, come out here for me please." I look at him puzzled and walk out on to stage. I can feel my cheeks turning red as the spotlights hit me.

"Well our lovely fans, you are probably wondering who this is. Her name is Elizabeth, Liz or Lizzy for short,' he says and winks, "She has been my best friend since last years signing through all the ups and downs. I have always thought of us as just friends, but now, she means more than that to me." he looks at me with those beautiful eyes. My mouth drops open, is this really happening? Are all of my dreams coming true, right in this moment?

"I want her to be my princess. Well its too late for that, I already know for sure she is my princess no matter what she says, she cant change that." he gets down on one knee and i think he is about to propose to me, im to young for that though. But then he pulls out a different kind of ring. "Lizzy, im giving you this Promise Ring to promise you that i will always love you until the day i die. And they are getting this all on camera so i can never deny this moment right now." he says chuckling. "So will you do me the extordinary honor of being mine, my princess, queen, best friend, and girlfriend?" he asks me with hope in his eyes.

All I can do is nod yes because i am so overwhelmed. He puts the ring on my finger and stands up. He moves the hand that i had covering my mouth away from my face and kisses me. The crowd cheers and awes. And just when i think this night couldnt get any better for us, Zayn asks to bring Baylee out.

"Baylee, i know we just met today but i feel like i have known you forever and like you were a missing part of me, and i have found you." Baylee starts to cry and they kiss. Now Harry brings out Brandy.

"Brandy, as you may or may not know, i am a man of very few words." we all laugh. "But i can relate to what Zayn is saying. I cant really define love so i hope this is enough." He picked her up and kissed her. When he sets her down Brandy says,

"That was perfect love!" Liam brings out Dani and Louis brings out El. They dont need to define their love for each other, the whole world can see it. They keep us out there with them. They sing 'More Than This' 'What Makes You Beautiful' 'One Thing' 'Everything About You' and ' Save You Tonight' and dedicate them all to us. They have us help them answer questions from twitter. Some were new ones from people in the crowd with their phones. They must have been interested in us enough to enter questions about us.

The boys say goodnight and go to their signing and us girls get ready for our night on the town with our newly found boyfriends.

Dont Forget Me. (Niall Horan Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon