Ch.9 Im not going anywhere

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Sup people. Brandy and Baylee... I know your reading this, hey girls!!! (: haha thanks for reading everyone! And just so we are totally clear, I DONT hate Cher, she is amazing, she is just playing a part in my story, thanks. (:

~Nialls *POV* -

The signing is going by faster than usual for me. And its over before I know it. As the lads and I are walking back to the dressing rooms to pick up the laides someone grabs my arm. Two people actually.

"Hey let me g-" I try to scream but one of them covers my mouth with their hand. I bite down hard and they yelp in pain. I can hear the lads calling my name. Especially Harry. Then I hear the girls voice, and Liz's. She is getting closer and i am trying to scream for her to go away so they wont get her. But its to late, she sees my high tops out in the open, she runs over and screams to let me go. One of them speaks.

"Im sorry, little bitch (haha Brandy! inside joke (; ) , me and Niall have some unfinished business to do." at that moment I think me and Lizzy realized who the girl was, it was Cher.

"CHER!?" I scream. and i hear the boys foot steps coming closer, following my voice.

"Damn it blondey, shut the hell up!" I didnt recognize the mans voice, but Liz's face showed that she did.

"Oh my God! Adam!? What the hell are you doing!?" she said to him. That name sounds fimiliar... ADAM!!!! This is the man who broke my girlfriends heart! When i get away from his grip im going to break his head. Im going to run it over with our tour bus! I swear this asshole can die in hell. But how does he know Cher, and why are they both here together?

"Elizabeth... I am sorry, I know what i did was wrong and I want you back. And Cher felt terrible about what happened with Niall she wanted to come apologize too." Adam says to Liz. Liz is starring at their hands covering my mouth and they release me.

"Oh so you came to apologize by practically kid napping me!?" I scream. I hear the boys come behind me with the girls. They just stare as the lads, Dani, and El see Cher, and i guess Liz's friends recognize Adam.

"Niall, i feel terrible about what happened with Kevin, he just showed up and i was so emotional that i gave in, i really love you." Cher says directly at me.

"Cher," i say as i wrap my arm around Elizabeth's waist. "Im in love with Liz, and she is my princess, i will never leave her ever. Im sorry, im not going anywhere." She begins to cry and I dont care, Liz's gaze turns to me, I just stare ahead trying to look like a tough boy.

"Im giving you 3 seconds to get your arm away from my girl or ill kick your ass!" Adam says. I hear Louis clear his throat.

"The only ass kicking that will be happening here is your ass and my foot, outside!" Louis says defensivley, i hear El and Liam try to calm him down.

"I think you should leave, now." I hear Harry say, I see Adam looking back and forth at two people behind me. I turn around and see Harry stepping defensivly in front of Brandy. I also see Zayn take Baylee's hand and squeeze it to reasure her that shes going to be okay. I feel Lizzy slip away from my grip. She is walking over towards Adam. My heart drops but then, she kicks him in the balls. She turns around grabs my hand and runs.

"I wont stop Elizabeth!!! You will regret that!" I hear Adam say. Cher is still crying, they should be together, to phycos together would be cute.

When we stop running I turn and look at Lizzy, she is almost crying.

"Whats wrong babe?" I ask her.

"I thought you were gonna go back with Cher, and it scared me, I cant live without you." She says, tears streaming down her face," I dont know how I went all these years without you, or how I went on not telling you how I felt, i have loved you for as long as I can remember and i-" i cut her off with my lips. She is shocked at first but realizes whats happening and kisses me back.

"Elizabeth," I say after pulling away. I take her face in my hands, "I love you. Your my princess, and Im not going anywhere." I pull her into a hug and kiss her head.

~Zayn's *POV*-

We are running, running away from that EPIC scene that just happened! I swear Cher is a different person than we used to know. And Adam seems like an ass. I thankd Liz for bringing Baylee into my life and Harry thanks her for Brandy. I can tell Harry already loves Brandy as much as I love Baylee by the way he stands around her. When Adam was eyeing our girlfriends i held Baylee's hand, I could tell she was tense. I was ready to beat the crap out of him if he even came near her. But Harry took a step in front of Brandy and put his body in the way of her's, in case he decided to try to harm her. Baylee could tell i was being protective and moved behind me. I was about wrap my arm around her and push her behind me, she did it for me. Eleanor was on Lou's back .When we were looking for them she got on his back, he wasnt about to put her down now, not around Adam. Danielle was holding Liam's hand, he seemed more scared than she did, but when Louis told Adam off Liam stood up defensivly, and made Dani back up.

"Baylee, love are you ok?" I ask when we get to our tour bus.

"Zayn" she giggles, "he didnt even come near me." she stands on her tip toes and kisses my cheeck to calm me down.

We get on the bus and drive to our hotel before we go out. Im sure me Harry and Niall are glad that this was our last concert. The tour is over tonight, we love the fans, but now we can stay with our girls as long as we want.

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