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Oh my god this is so old and I haven't updated in like 5-6 months hoLy shit!

anyways thanks for 1k reads!!! That's so cool! I kinda wanna finish this story?? But I don't know I anyone would actually want me too so uhhh comment if you do? I guess. I have a basic idea of where i wanted this to go and now have the writing skills to make that idea even better in some ways! and everyone seemed to enjoy this book! Or maybe I'll start over cause the beginning is really confusing and has nothing to do with the rest of the story.

Let me know if I should continue writing! I have a bunch of unpublished chapters and I'll go through and revise and edit them so I can post them if you guys want me to start updating again or if you want me to start over!!

-with love kaz

Like real people (davekat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora