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Be the cool kid checking for his bros

I unlocked the door and stood there waiting to bro or dirk to jump out of the dark to spook us.  "Why are yo-" I cut karkat off before he could finish his sentence. "shh I'm making sure bro and dirk aren't home." The coast seemed clear but I can never be too careful, "Bro? Dirk? Anyone home?" I yelled into our dark apartment. No response. Bros probably out and dirks probably with Jake at his house.

I pulled karkat into my apartment and closed the door, kicking off my shoes. Karkat took his shoes off too and set them by the door neatly. I lead him to the kitchen "want anything? We have apple juice, pop tarts, Doritos-" karkat cut me off "pop tarts? What flavor?" He seemed excited so I went to the pantry and pulled out a box of strawberry and s'mores pop tarts. His face light up and grabbed the pox of strawberry pop tarts. "Pop tarts it is then." I smiled as he opened the pop tarts and bit it.

"heh, Sorry they're my favorite." He laughed taking another bite. God he's adorable I just wanna grab his face and kiss it for hours.

"EARTH TO STRIDER? HELLO?" Karkat waved his hand in front of my face, I guess I zoned out and started staring. "O-oh yeah I'm okay, just spaced out there for a second. Anyways wanna go pick out a movie now?" I smiled at him, he gave me a soft expression and then grabbed my hand. "I would love too, fuckass" he responded. I pulled him to my room and showed him the shelves of movies I have.

He picked out some romance movie, I'll probably fall asleep while watching but if it makes him happy I'll suffer through it. I didn't even know I had this movie.
Be karkat vantas

You are now karkat vantas

I pick out the movie "13 going on 30" because it's one of my favorite and I was honestly surprised too see that Dave had it. I sit down on his bed as he put the movie in and then sat down next to me. He grabbed the remote and pressed play.

*short time skip*

The credits were rolling when I finally realized dave and I had started cuddling and he was basically half asleep. It was... nice to be close to someone like this. It fell nice, I felt warm and safe. I really love this fuckass don't I? I thought to myself. I didn't wanna wake dave so I ended up falling asleep in his arms. I was woken up by Dave's brother pounding on the door. Dave was awake holding the door closed. He looked at me noticing I was awake and motioned me to not make a sound so I kept quite.

"Dave? dude, what are you doing?" Let me in" I could hear, who I assume is Dave's older brother dirk.

"No way bro. I'm busy come back later" dave responded back to his brother through the door. After a couple minutes dirk gave up and left. It was quite till I broke the silence. "Dave? What was that?" I asked confused.

"I... didn't tell bro and dirk you were coming over and if dirk walked in while we were cuddling or even in the same bed he'd never let me live that down. I'd totally lose all my cool irony points." He said walking back to the bed, sitting back down next to me.

"So then what are we gonna do? If they don't know I'm here I any exactly leave without them noticing." I ask looking into Dave's shades.

"Just stay the night till they leave for work. You folks would be okay with that right?" He asked with an innocent smile. I panic because my dad and kankri would freak out if I stay at someone's house they don't know.

"Uhhh yeah totally. Let me just call them first" I quickly said pulling my phone out of my pocket. I pull up kankris contact and call him.

Sigh after like a year I'm finally updating I'm so sorry! I'd like to continue writing it maybe even start over and make this story better because it's so messy and confusing. I'll also probably ask my friend to proof read before I post. Also sorry for a cliffhanger AGAIN sob


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