What we've all been waiting for part 1

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As if on cue, he grips his fingers on mine and presses against them. I loudly swallow to mask the moan almost escaping my mouth. How does he know what I am thinking? He has a smug smirk on his face which clearly tells me that he knows the effect he has on me.
"The effect his body has on your body — At least try to be strong Mia!" Inner voice utters in a low breath. She's pissed at me today. She really wants me to never get with a guy and stay in my ivory tower with my heart intact. Too late inner voice.

He flips both our hands that are on the steering wheel while still keeping our fingers interlocked. He deliberately drags his thumb to the edge of my hands, tenderly touching the place where my fingers meet my palms. He is tenderly outlining my inner hand. He slowly reaches the center of my palm and draws a circle there. I quiver with excitement and ticklishness. He does it again and this time I don't hold back the giggle forming on the base of my throat. His grip on my finger tightens and I let out a moan unintentionally. He drags his thumb on my palm but this time I place my thumb under his and lift his thumb up. My nails scratch the base of his thumb and when I reach the end of his thumb I drag my nails back and this time I make a circle on his palm. I hope it feels half as good to him as it does to me. He's not looking at me and his face is stone cold, so I am going purely with instinct here. I move the tips of my fingers to caress his knuckles and his nostrils flare up... I am affecting him and I like it. He keeps his other hand on the steering and we are pulling into an isolated parking lot. Wow. He stops the car in an almost empty basement of a place I don't recognize and I think this is the moment when I should freak out and tell him about my lack of experience with anything but I don't want to. He turns towards me and I feel exactly like I do when my feet aren't firmly planted and a strong wave from the ocean hits me. His eyes are the hue of the beach I love and fear at the same time—love because they soothe my anxiety and calm my nervousness. Fear because, well if I go to far I might not be able to come back—I don't know how to swim. My instinct tells me Liam is my beach and even though I love the beach—I shouldn't stray away from the shore.

I know this—of course, I am well aware of the facts on the table but then why is my body gradually inching towards his?

He moves towards me and the teeniest desire I had to resist his lure is out of the window. He places his hands on my jaw and I want this moment to never end. Even though it feels like I have tingly ants crawling all over my body. His palms are gripping my neck and his fingers are stroking my hair. Does he know that all my defenses and insecurities are lying on his feet right now? That all the walls I've spent years building are a rumble right now.

His thumb strokes my jaw and his nose is almost touching mine right now. He has really long lash—don't you just hate it when boys get things they don't deserve? Like what are you going to do except be ungrateful for them?

He angles his face forward, his lips ridiculously close to mine... yet they are not touching me, is he going to kiss me or not? What is he waiting for? He nuzzles his nose to mine and I move my lips closer to his... kiss me already goddammit! He angles his face towards the left—so when we kiss—it's easier but he doesn't close the half an inch gap between our lips.

Why am I supposed to be the one to close the gap? His eyes are playfully seductive and he's got a mischievous look on his face... I move slightly closer to him but instead of kissing his lips, I plant a feather kiss on his cheek. He does the same and is back to looking at me with that fucking face—the I am up to no good classic fuckboy face. Except I don't want to punch this face—I do want to kiss this delectably wicked face. He moves his other hand and brushes a strand of hair away from my eyes—still not kissing me. I kiss the tip of his nose and smirk at him. Two can play. He kisses the space between my lips and my nose... his chin touching my lips and his lips just slightly missing the mark. I quiver and he moves his fingers down my arms—making me quiver again. A grin is plastered on his face. He is really enjoying this. I bend down and the region between his lips and his chin—his stubble poking my lips in a turn me on way. 

He moves his face back a little and I lean in terminating the gap he just tried to create. He leans in further, his hand now pressing against my back to pull me in closer. I don't resist his touch and place my hand on his shoulder to position my body as close to his. I can hear my heart beating loudly in my chest—can he? He kisses my jaw line—planting feathery kisses all over my face from the left to the right or was it the right to the left? I am not sure—all I know is that it feels overwhelmingly awesome. He is now kissing my cheek... my chin and I know he will win if I am the one who kisses his lips first but I just can't not kiss him anymore. I, yes me, I gave in okay? I brush my lips on his and before I know it—his tongue is in my mouth and nothing is soft or gentle about this. He is kissing me like he really wants me, his mouth fast and heavy on me and I am kissing him back with the same intensity. His hands are on the back of my dress and he is unzipping my dress—I shouldn't stop this but I don't want to. He touches the skin on my back and I shake in recognition—this is really happening.

He notices my mind drifting and his other hand caresses my hair as he deepens the kiss, his tongue touching the roof of my mouth.

He unhooks my bra with one hand in a nanosecond while his other hand is stroking my hair—damn can the boy multitask. I can't even think straight and he is hallway into my pants.

His lips are crushing mine as his hands travel to my breasts. He interrupts our kiss and his cold lips are now on my nipples. I can feel a ripple travel down from my core tingling my entire body. I want to — no I need to stop this.
"Aw!" His teeth on my nipples cause me to wince. Easy their tiger! His lips tuck at my nips gently, his tongue swirling gently. So, now he wants to be gentle huh? He kisses my nipples and something tells me this is his way of apologizing for accidentally biting me too hard. His lips are soft and tongue cold. Am I supposed to do something other than enjoy? I don't think so.
His hand that was caressing my hair is now grabbing my back to hold me steady and I realize — I am shaking involuntary. This is unchartered territory. He traces his tongue on my stomach and draws a trail from my breast to my belly button. God damn...it feels lit.
"So you hook up now?" Inner voice shoots me a well-aimed arrow and I am jolted back to reality. All my life I've been the girl who neatly labels and packs her feeling into stereotypically cut out boxes. So what is this? A one evening stand? A fling? A fleeting obsession or an everlasting commitment?
Before I know it, I am doing something I know I will spend the night crying about.     

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