he couldnt get the image of joon out of his head, especially the tattoo on joons neck.

it made namjoon smirk as he threw on a white T.

"you should get some sleep. you looked tired before."

"n-not that tired right now." jungkook pouted.

"mm... you want to watch something then, to help you sleep?" joon offered. jungkook slightly bouncing with excitement as he nodded.

joon smiled at how cute that looked and turned the television on

"hey kiddo, sorry i was rough on you earlier. its not like me. i dont know." namjoon laid back in his bed next to jungkook as the movie was displayed on screen.

"its alright. i didnt mind." the purity in jungkook's face had turned joon pink.

"ooh...i have a question?"

"and what is it?" joon turned so his full attention was on jungkook.

"what does that tattoo mean?" the peculiar inked skin symbol had joon staring at jungkook with a cocked brow and a small smile.

"go to sleep kiddo."

jungkook seem unfazed as joon turned around and cuddled himself to sleep while jungkook continued staring until he realized he stared for too long.

turning back to the movie.

"yah! go wake up jungkook!" jin shooed jimin with a spatula. the kid pouting while rolling his eyes as he makes a u-turn to joon's room.

"that kid sleeps for long like yoongi-hyung." hoseok chuckled.

"i know. i just hope we dont have another yoongi. im tired of death threats and finding poison in my food." taehyung groaned.

"he knew you had a cold too and you couldnt smell too well. if i hadnt tried to take a bite you probably wouldve been dead by now." jin scoffed.

jungkook came out with jimin who offered a seat next to him.

"jimin. go wake up yoongi now." jin commanded.

"b-but h-hyung!" jimin whined.

"no one else volunteers-..." everyone took a sip of their tea trying to ignore the conversation. "-so go."

jimin scarcely got up moping as he drags his way up to satans room for a beating.

"is he really that bad to wake up?" jungkook questioned.

everyone snickered.

"in 3....2....." namjoon replied and on cue a loud girl like scream echoed through the whole house sending shivers up everyones spine

jungkook pursed his lips and shoved food in his mouth.

"d-dont feel intimidated when he shuts you out. i mean yeah he hospitalized some of us before and poisoned taehyungs food. but yoongi- he grew up-..." namjoon was cut off when he heard a voice

"talking about me again huh?" their heads snapped to the pale boy who sighed and walked his way to a seat. jimin following behind with messed up hair and a red cheek.

"yoongi-hyung..." namjoon coughed on his food.

"im leaving after breakfast. someone called up and needs me to snipe a person dead."

jungkook chuckled lightly.

but stopped seeing everyone nod and agree.

"oh wait, hes serious?" jungkook whispered.

yoongi slammed his plate down and walked his way to the seated jungkook.

"listen kid. i dont think you understand the fuck a gang does or whats it about. just heads up, dont get in the way of my work and keep your mouth shut." yoongi emphasized.

jungkook stared up at yoongi. too focused on yoongi's orbs to pay attention to what hes saying.

"s-sorry h-hyung."

yoongi took his food and walked away up to his room.

"oh and. im not your hyung."

and then he disappeared. he doesnt know jungkook doesnt listen, especially on that last piece of information.

"why did yoongi-hyung go upstairs?" jungkook pouted his eyes fixated on the open seat that yoongi had pushed out.

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