Formerly Known As

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The video begins with an old clip from 2003 of an 18 year old Helios peforming a rolling senton/springboard moonsault to Azrieal. The video freezes just as he hops onto the middle rope.

Helios: I am Helios. Formerly known as Andrew Garrett. Formerly known as Alexander Ramirez.

The clip resumes and Helios pins Azrieal for the three count. Then, the video cuts away to the moment where the referee hands Helios his first title, the JAPW Light Heavyweight Champion, and he raises it over his head with both hands. The video fades away to Helios driving in his hometown of Trenton, New Jersey.

Helios: Trenton is a city isn't looked as a great city. As the factories closed down, the city fell and people had to find other ways to make a living. Unfortunately, gangs started to come in and swamped the city. Growing up, my parents worried I would become involved with gangs but I knew how dangerous that kind of life was and I stayed out of the radar. Although, we didn't have much, they tried to give me the best life they could and I'm forever grateful for that. If my life took a different turn, I probably would be selling drugs to make a living, let alone be living my dream.

The video cuts to an in-car view of the Lower Trenton Bridge and transitions to an aerial view of the city

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The video cuts to an in-car view of the Lower Trenton Bridge and transitions to an aerial view of the city. It showed some of the tall office buildings and the Old Barracks Museum. Helios parks his car and stands in front of the house he grew up.

Helios: So this is where I grew up. Before I was born, my parents lived in an apartment complex that is now torn down. So they moved to this house. I have a lot of great memories growing up here. Every week, I would turn on the TV and tune in to watch the WWF Superstars and I copy their moves on the sofa. Wrestling was a huge part in my life and whenever a live event was in town, I'd beg my parents to buy tickets. My love for wrestling grew more when I got older. There was this video store that was nearby and I would buy tapes of not only WWF but also wrestling from overseas. Before I moved out, they actually gave a box full of the surviving VHS tapes I bought and it wasn't a light box. I knew I wanted to become a wrestler from a young age and when my parents heard me say that, they were a bit comprehensive. They worried that I would get hurt and if I didn't make it, my life would not be great. At the time, I was able to work a part time job and saved most of that money for wrestling school. We made a deal where if I made through the first session, they would pay 3/4 of the fees and I would have to pay the other 1/4. I also had to buy my own ring gear and I bought the most basic tights and boots. I had these black trunks with these lace up boots. I also stitched on a US flag patch I had. To this day, I still have these shorts in the my drawer with my other tights that I used today.

The camera pans over to the remaining merchandise that survived from his childhood. Then, photos of him as a child show up, one of him watching a WWF show and another of him at a WWF live event. The video cuts to Helios driving to the venue where he made his debut.

Helios: When I started training when I was 17 years old, my trainer had second thoughts about teaching a 230 pound, 5 foot 6 guy teen. But once they saw how quickly I picked up what they taught me, they had hope. I made my wrestling debut a month before my 18th birthday and it didn't go as well as planned. I lost my first match... and my next couple matches but everyone starts form the bottom of the ladder. Soon, I'd would on a hot streak, which lead to my first championship match. When my parents came out to watch my title match, they could see how passionate I was for my career path. Soon after, the rest is history. I climbed up the ladder rather quickly and soon, I was given the opportunity to work overseas.

Helios: Before I became Helios, I went by the name of Andrew Garrett

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Helios: Before I became Helios, I went by the name of Andrew Garrett. I came up with a few ring names and I settled with Andrew Garrett. My trainer taught me about having a persona and made me get rid of Andrew Garrett. This led to me having my current name, Helios. When I was first working under my current, I wore a mask for my first few matches under my new name but I soon took off the mask. Since then, I've became well recognized by most as Helios. My name came about from my interest in mythology and folklore. When I first started, it took some time to develop the confidence I needed to do all the death defying moves I did in the ring. Having courage to do all of these eye catching moves helped me as it allowed to be over with the crowd. As far as having a character, I didn't exactly have this alternate in ring ego, I was just being me. However, when I worked in Japan and sided with the dark side, it when things changed. Being a bad guy gave me this feeling of liberation from being a good guy. It was more fun to have people boo than people cheer for me. It allowed to act how I wouldn't normal and become this devious character in the ring.

The video continues with a mini compilation of Helios in New Japan acting as a heel. Helios winning the finals of the Best of the Super Juniors and holding the trophy. Next, Helios winning his first, second and third time holding the IWGP Jr Heavyweight Championship. After that, Helios winning the NEVER Openweight Championship and putting a foot on top of Hirooki Goto. Then, Helios stole Nakamura's signature Kinshasa and won the IWGP Intercontinental Championship for his second time. With the title in his hand, Helios mocked Nakamura by mimicking his mannerisms. The video returns to the present day; Helios overlooks the stage crew setting up the titantron and the ring.

Helios: Every time I go out to the ring, it still feels like a surreal dream

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Helios: Every time I go out to the ring, it still feels like a surreal dream. I come out to a symphony of voices, cheering me on. When I see people wearing my shirts, it reminds of when I was fan watching my favorite wrestlers. The younger me would be freaking out if he was seeing this. I was once a wide eyed boy that is now living out his dream. I'm very grateful for everyone who has helped me on my journey and I hope to do the same for others. I am helping other young wrestlers trying to make it in this industry. I can understand the struggle of breaking out here as I went through the whole growth process.

The video ends with a slideshow of photos of Helios from his debut. Then, his time in ROH, PWG, PROGRESS and NJPW, holding titles from the different promotions he's worked in. Finally, it ends on Helios' recent Intercontinental Championship win. He stood there in the middle of the ring, holding both the Intercontinental and the United Kingdom championships.

End of Chapter

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