
Start from the beginning

"Lord Second, Lord Fourth, I apologize for bringing you back to life with the Edo Tensei, but right now, The Hidden Sand village is under attack and they won't last long unless you help them" Orochimaru says, bowing to them a little in respect. The fourth stands there quiet, still a little surprised to see that he was again back from the dead, whereas the Second quickly became angry.

"You insolent fool, why are you using my Jutsu for such trivial events. If the Sand is under attack then let them deal with it on their own. How dare you use my jutsu like child's play" The second's monstrous Chakra fills up the room in an instant. It reaches such terrifying heights, that it becomes visible to Orochimaru. Even Minato takes a few steps back, and puts up his guard in the case of an emergency.

"There is something you should know Lord Second, before you kill me. The Hidden Leaf Village is no longer under the control of the Hokage, Sasuke Uchiha took over the village by the killing the First's granddaughter, Tsunade. All the ninjas and most of the villagers fled to the Sand Village. And now Sasuke is attacking the Sand, so if you consider your people precious, then I suggest you go and help them" Orochimaru explains with his smirk displayed confidently on his face. The second's and fourth's reaction was just as he had expected. Shock and surprise.

"Sasuke? You mean Naruto's friend? But how........how did this happen" Minato asks with a concerned tone as he steps forward.

"Lord Fourth , I would love to explain but time is not on our side. Sasuke-Kun is already engaged in battle with Naruto and the rest. And they won't be able to hold on long against him, first rescue them all and bring them here" Orochimaru says, as he does a hand seal, suddenly Minato and Tobirama feel a rush of Chakra going through their bodies.

"I have just returned your Chakras to you. Right now your power is as high as it can be......hurry" Tobirama and Minato both loved their people, and if it meant saving them, they would go to the end of the earth. They both turn to each other.

"Lord Fourth, let's go" Tobirama says, and just as Minato nods, the Nine-Tails Chakra forms around him, clocking his entire body. And just as Orochimaru blink's, the two disappear, not leaving a single trail behind them except a small thundergod seal marked on the ground.

And just like that, the two Hokage's head for the Sand.

Finally, the two reach the village. But by the time the village comes into their sight, it is already shining from afar, in black flames. Minato and Tobirama were left shocked to find the Sand village in such a bad shape. But before they can even react, the clouds above them start shifting, and just as the two look up, their mouths are left hanging open upon seeing the enormous meteorite heading for the village.

"Fourth, don't lose your nerve. Our mission is save as many people as we possibly can. It's time to put my Jutsu to work" Tobirama says, standing firm and determined to not lose. Minato immediately gathers his bearings and readies himself. And suddenly at the same time they both go off.

"Flying Thunder God Technique".

"Flying Thunder God".

The two vanish in thin air, and start appearing in different parts of the village. Mixing Minato's already above human average speed with the Nine-Tails power, Minato was moving faster then the speed of Sound. Like his name suggested, it was like a streak of yellow was popping up everywhere in the village. Faster then the eye could catch up with, within seconds the Sand village was lit up with the Yellow Flash's light. In an instant, he managed to clear out half the villagers by rescuing them and transporting them back to the village. Tobirama also didn't hold back, he knew he had a name to live upto. He teleported onto where he sensed Sasuke's Chakra, he found the unconscious bodies of the Leaf Ninjas. And before he could do anything, Minato also appeared right next to him.

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