"Be my...married."

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That evening just before dark, Harry was in his bedroom cleaning out his school bag when he heard a car pull into the driveway.

He happily dropped what he was doing, rushing to greet Zayn at the door.

But it wasn't Zayn.

"What?" Louis asked as he came in to find Harry standing there staring at him.

"Thought you were Zayn." Harry said, thoroughly disappointed.

"Nope, just me." Louis said sharply, walking past him.

"Were you over there the whole time?" Harry asked.

Louis stopped near the hallway.

"No. Just until I got tired of being ignored, then I went out and found other things to do for the day. That was actually hours ago." Louis complained.

"Ignored? What, for the game?" Harry chuckled.

"Yep." Louis said, not finding it funny.

"Liam called me just before I got here wanting me to come back over there. Except he wanted me to bring more alcohol, and food."

"More alcohol? Are they drinking?" Harry asked.

"It sounded like it." Louis said.

Harry thought about it for a second, realizing how rarely he got to see Zayn drunk while he was sober.

"Are you going over there?" Harry asked.

"I wasn't planning on it. But...I never turn down an opportunity to get drunk. Maybe they'll let me play too." Louis thought aloud.

"I don't want to get drunk, I want to watch Zayn be drunk. I think it'll be fun." Harry smiled.

Louis shrugged. "Okay. I want to change though." He said, going to his room.

Harry went and got ready, tying his hair back into a bun after pushing it away from his face for the last time.

When they made it to the apartment, they were lucky that the door wasn't locked or else they wouldn't have been let inside.

Liam and Zayn were on the couch, glaring at the tv like it insulted them, spitting insults and swear words just as rapidly as their fingers moved.

However, their words were slurred.

They were surrounded by empty beer bottles.

Harry couldn't believe Liam actually asked for more alcohol when they'd had more than enough by the looks of it.

Harry had never seen Zayn like this, and he wasn't sure whether to laugh or be concerned.

"Are they on the same team?" Harry asked Louis, the two of them standing there watching now.

"Wait." Louis said quietly.

They continued to watch, an explosion coming across the screen around the same time Zayn started yelling.

Not really yelling any words, just yelling in protest.

"Shut up, I won." Liam said over him, hiccuping and dropping his controller while the game loaded again.

"Fuck you." Zayn mumbled, tossing his controller on the couch and standing to stretch.

He stumbled badly, falling back onto the couch with a laugh.

"Zayn?" Harry decided to speak up, watching him.

Zayn slowly let his head fall back, grinning as he spotted an upside down Harry.

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